Coffee mistakes

I have literally made every coffee making mistake, of course, because I hadn't had my coffee yet while trying to make my coffee.
Oh yes!
My worst was less than a week after my son was born... completely sleep deprived, I tried to open the seal on a stubborn bottle of creamer with my teeth... and sheered the front of one of my crowns right off! 🥴
My father in law made the worst coffee I ever drank, but I would have some when I went there, just to be polite.
:lau That was my father and brother in law! My dad made a full pot of coffee in the morning with a drip coffee maker. He swore that if you shut the burner off as soon as it was done, you could drink good coffee from that pot all day by heating a cup of it in the mocrowave. My BIL is a beer brewer at a big brewery and used to talk about tannins and 'science', but my dad wasn't having it! He said as long as you shut the burner off, it stayed fresh all day! My brother in law would cave in and drink it, but I would just laugh and dump it out and make a fresh pot while my dad protested.

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