Coffee's ready...

AWWWWWWW! Thanks Shelley, I needed that! Aren't they sweet at that age? I don't know how many I have, but they are all exciting!

My DH makes coffee the night before, but he didn't make enough for me today!
Its thundering here now, and I expect a downpour any minute.
Morning, ya'll. I've had so much iced coffee since 3 am that I have a bad case of the jitters!
I agree, it's much easier to come up with a good cup of coffee at home than to find one anywhere else. I'm fortune that I have a very good well and the water has absolutely no odor or taste. When I drink coffee other places I can always detect the chlorine that added to the water. I also use a dark roast coffee so the flavor is robust.
Hi Ranchie and Opa!
frow.gif any tricks to catch a fox? I lost my only frizzle cochin cockerel to one on Tuesday
. Middle of the day when he took him, and I didn't hear a thing. That fox has got my red hair blazing!!!!!
Good morning chicken wranglers,got mt cofee .
wind and rain massacreed my sweet corn yesterday. I will salvage most of it sat. but i'll have to cut the stalks just to walk trough the "rows"? Hope you all are having agreat day
You should try Vermont Maple Coffee once. It's hard to find but every once in awhile I locate some at the store and buy a bag of it.
I use to make Pecan and Hazelnut coffees but I'm completely stuck on VM whenever Sue's not at home......she doesn't like it so I can't make it when she's interested in drinking coffee.

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