Coffee's ready...

Good morning! :caf

It's 8:30A here in Tennessee, and life has not slowed down. Still, a busy morning is a productive one! How is everyone doing today?

Got up and fed/let dogs out, took husband to work, took care of poor condition horse, fed/watered chickens, got eggs, made daughter and I breakfast, checked back to be sure I can afford more horse meds and gas for car this week, and now sitting here with coffee before work. :) Hopefully today continues to go well!
Morning all not a coffee drinker so I'll just sip my tea instead, or maybe a hot cocoa. It cold and damp here in central MN today. Expecting it to rain late this afternoon and tomorrow. We had breakfast at 6 this morning like every morning, lol. Than feedand watered my chickens, now they are out running around, picked the last of my pumpkins and plan on going out to pick the last of my beans and pull the plants up. I still need to go down to the basement and start a fire, its 66 in the house and 45 outside, so its not going to get any warmer in the house unless I start that fire, sigh. Thankfully I only have to start it and then fill it and let it go out to warn the house up to 70-72 for the day. Looks like the last of our Indain Summer is gone here, so its only going to get colder, sigh!!!
Off to get more done on my busy day beofre I work this evening!
Have a great day all!!
Afternoon everyone,
Sausage and eggs sound good Rngrbill. Best of luck with yesterday.

Drinking some green tea at the moment. I had my token 2 cups this morning. I have to start behaving with my eating, I'm going to see the warden (my doctor) in a week or so. She'll think 2 cups is one to many. As far as those sausages....... they are just a fond memory........ breakfast patties, heavy with black pepper.......... fried egg on top...... Thanks rngrbill...... It's not fun when the better half and the warden get together, and when they get together, they are like sisters and I'm going hungry.....

Good seeing all the new people, and welcome

Enjoy your day
Three cup day. Went out to breakfast as we had an early showing of the house. Splurged on corned beef hash with poached eggs on top all piled high on rye toast with home fries. Have a low ball offer with complicated financing for the buyer. but hope the new people buy instead as it is ready cash. Then KY bound. Prayerfully before much snow hits. They are talking about some this week. Back in '72 we had 24" on Nov. 15th wouldn't want to pack a moving van with that on the ground.
Afternoon people,
Just stopping in for a quick cup of tea, then back out into the shop. Looks like the sky is breaking, blues skies to the north. I had our turkeys processed this week, the largest was 36+ lbs. It looks funny in the oven.
Anyways, everyone have a good day

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