Coffee's ready...

I was laughing at your poodle issues - if only it was as easy to groom a hay bale ! You make me smile!

Try this hay bale

Molly was Wolfhound x Old english! She was a massive fur ball. As long as DH

Or this one!

My Murph - giant big boy!
46k - upper end of weight for the oes! You could make a jumper with the coat! lol

Ha ha - When it all goes wrong and matted up like a carpet - I just get out the sheers and start over!

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Karl, their trying out what are supposed to be wings. Have had one with a pasty butt problem and they try to fly when I try to catch then to check, Starting to feather out, wings, tails and shoulders. Just like human ones they grow up so fast. Pics to follow 1 week old. 19 weeks to eggs.
I was laughing at your poodle issues - if only it was as easy to groom a hay bale ! You make me smile!

Try this hay bale

Molly was Wolfhound x Old english! She was a massive fur ball. As long as DH

Or this one!

My Murph - giant big boy!
46k - upper end of weight for the oes! You could make a jumper with the coat! lol

Ha ha - When it all goes wrong and matted up like a carpet - I just get out the sheers and start over!


Sadly these dogs are no longer with us. - We only have the new pup Bailey who is now without a coat! lol And the little dog too. Molly the big old wolf died years ago age 16yrs from Cancer and heart issues. Then we had Pollyanna for 3 yrs but she had been badly treated and was blind and brain damaged. She died age 6yrs from Wobblers - it was a direct result of the beatings she was given as a tiny puppy.

Then we got Murph and he died 4th July 2012. From Hemangiosarcoma ( Heart cancer) - Now we have the wee man and he is very tiny compared to the others. - So I guess tiny Jumpers! lol
Bailey And THE Giz !

- will have to wait a while for wool though as he is a bit of a boldy boy at the moment.

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Good morning chicken wranglers,
I'm at it again, work that is. Oes even though you have lost those animals , what a spectacular history. I've had a few good dogs in my adult life, but I've yet to compare to my childhood companion "Bruno" we still spin yarns of his hunting prowess when we siblings get together for holidays. There is nothing like a good pet to warm ones heart and relieve the stress of the day with a romp and a lick.
I'm glad the cattle do not jump up and lick me in the face!
I'm off to get doughnuts for the guys. It is Friday and has been a sore week for all.I hope all of you wranglers had a better week than mine, and a even better week end.
God Bless!
Good morning all. I am sitting here taking a break and having my morning coffee
It has been a long crazy week here. But it is Friday
and I am sooo happy to be at the end of the work week. If only it was just work it would be so exhausting.

Between both jobs, running a house/little farm getting youngest through her senior project presentation..nerves and all (she passed with flying colors yay!, picking up a friend from the airport going out to dinner..and a quick visit. (I miss spending time with friends sometimes) Bee school classes. I am tired.

No complaints though.
This morning has been busy. I have a spice bread in the oven (yes it is from a mix, or I would share the recipe but it is William Sonoma pecan spice bread. The cream cheese frosting is from scratch though)
Laundry is going, bed is made, all is tidy and I am going to be getting ready for work in a few minutes.

When I get home I have to work in my home office for a few hours and do some housework but then I am FREE to work in my garden and yard all weekend..(well I putter 1 of the days no heavy work for Sunday) I don't care if it is raining or not I can work on my covered porch and clean up the close up flower gardens. I will be planting some of my porch containers this weekend. I am practicing for Spring..
It was beautiful and warmed up nicely yesterday, evern warmer today. I worked outside most of the day and plan to get back at it today, weeding beds, making a raised bed and hoping to scrounge enough soil to get some kale planted, albeit a little late. Have a great weekend, everyone.
Good morning chicken wranglers,
I was notified that I have just passed my 4 year anniversary with the byc. Most of the posts have been on this thread fro the last 4 years. Oh how young I was at the beginning ,and now I'm just ancient history.
We had a nice warm DAY YESTERDAY but back to cold today. I do hope that it kills the unwanted bugs like tics and stuff.
Well back to work . Keep the hearth happy and the furnace warm everybody take care.
God Bless!

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