Coffee's ready...

I need coffee :(
Ok! I officially have the chicken disease. stopped by TSC to see if BO were in left with 6 barred Rock straight run. Oh! My. Then there were 12 in the brooder. hope they all play nice. the week olds are so big now compared to the BRs getting all their feathers already and everything. Any easy way to tell a pullet from a cockerel in the little ones before they start to crow?
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Cool poster ,Fallen, and where did you get it? Rngr I'm ready for chicks also but I'm not sure that the weather is ready around here. 60 today and then 2 inches of snow tomorrow night? what a calamity the weather is this year. I'll get some ducks for the pond I just fear that they will be out on the lake and a flash freeze will anchor them all in!
God Bless!
Good morning chicken wranglers
We did get our snow!!! How great is that! Come May perhaps it will warm a little?
Yesterday was a busy day, got a lot of, rush to get it done work, all at once. We did it and then some. Hope the work load calms ,"But not too awful much" I would like to have the week end off this week, I've not had a day off for two weeks.
Maybe I should go to the sale barn and check prices on cattle today. We will see how the day progresses.
God Bless!
Karl, I certainly hope you get the weekend off! And that's too bad about more snow. We've had some very warm days, but are about to cool off again this afternoon. I've been busy -- wish there were two of me.

The chickens and dogs are fed and the chickens are out to free range. This morning I decided to try strong coffee made in my French press because I really need a boost this morning. So much to do. Have a great day, everyone!
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Stumpy sounds like a good day ,productive and satisfying. Thankfully it is supposed to warm up for today and for a few more after this. We will see more freezing and thawing before the season is in tough. This is the latest spring in my recollection, and I do go back a few decades.
Although in this spring we've not had a false spring thaw accompanied by a quick freeze as to kill the lilacs and tulips as we have had with some regularity over the last decade. You all have a great day,
God Bless!
Karl, two things I love, tulips and lilacs -- and they won't grow here. For us it has seemed like a long winter, too. It's beautiful and sunny out again today. The daffodils, spirea, redbud trees, and quince are blooming, though.

Apparently only one of my 7 hens is laying eggs in the nest boxes. The rest -- can't find the location! I have ordered an automatic door and was given a nice kennel to add on to my coop/run. When it is all put together, I plan to keep them locked in for several days in hopes of forcing them to use the nest boxes.
Morning People,
I have to agree with you Karl, this is a late spring. Ole man winter still has his teeth in us here. Still calling for teens at night for the next week, but warming up during the day. I woke to 16 here this morning. I turned the furnace down to 55 last week, tis the season........ I have the wood stove and a electric heater to keep the better half warm.

Sounds like stumpy and rngbill are moving right along with your chickens. Ours are just starting to lay (or at least one is). The local farm store has chicks, for me, to early with this cold and such.

Karl, how much snow you have on the ground? We have about 6" here still, all crusty and crunchy like.

We were on the Hudson river last weekend checking out some ice boats. What was weird was walking on the river. It's pretty wide down my way. Walking by the Rhinecliff bridge to the south inlet of the south bay. a good 4 - 5 hundred feet from the shore. Watch a few barges go by, but no tankers.

Anyways, enjoy the day, it's the only one
I love Louisville. Just stepped on a Shepherd's crook Plant hanger and it sunk right into the ground. Not like back in the Berkshires where it wouldn't even reach the ground. They got another 12" night before last and single digit nights. 60º here now and sunny with slight haze. Chicks are doing well. I am looking for a swap meet as I have to get rid of 6 of them. Only allowed 6 and now have 12. Tried to get an amazing picture night before last. The chicks are a week apart. All were asleep, (a couple looking dead as usual) and one of the older girls had her cute little wing over one of the baby babies. of course she moved before I got the camera up to take the pic. But her is a recent shot. Got some 1x1 plastic mesh to fence the brooder with.

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