Coffee's ready...

Ok we're all set now. My Flock is where I want it. 2each Buff Orps, silver laced Wyandotts, barred Rocks, golden Comets, Hopefully all PULLETS. we will wait for the crowing before any more culling. Now onto building my new coop once the tree is taken down.
rngrbill, nice! I'd like to have some of the silver-laced Wyandotts.

AH-HA! I found one of the free-range nests! The great news is that my one and only Ameracauna hen is laying again, because there was a small blue egg in this group.

Good morning chicken wranglers,
It smells like spring this morning. It was 18 Monday morning but it is 40 this morning and raining, and the smell of spring is in the breeze.
Other than that all is normal. Q we have3 lost the snow over the last week temps rising to mid fifties and dropping to the 20's and teens in the night.
Spring is coming though I can feel it now.
The blessed season of mud and wind.
God Bless and have a great day!
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Stumpy that is a nice looking clutch. Now that you have found the hiding place perhaps they will keep using it and all eggs will be easier to find. I was at tsc looking at peeps but I have not made up my mind about what to buy, Kale my youngest wants peeps he can hold.
He told me that he is even prepared to wash the poop off of their butts if need be! Funny that he remembers that since we've not raised peeps for a year. The weather is a looking up with the first day of spring being forecast with a high of 56. But winter is not through ,because the weekend forecast is back in the 30's. Cest la Vivie.
Y'all come back now ya hear.
God Bless!
Well I guess it is good afternoon now. Tea is aside of me coffee is already a passing thing. My little ones are getting big now practically all feathered out. When can I start giving them treats? We're looking at 4 weeks this Wednesday. Yesterday my DGKs spread out some regular bird seed on the garage floor and then let them have at. So I added a little chick grit to there feed last night.

Hope all is going well out there. I know some are bracing for another snow event. Keep the home fires burning and maybe Irish coffee is called for.
Morning people,
Looks like the grasps of ole man winter is waning. Not that I don't mind, it's been a long one here. The last temp in the teens was last night for the next couple of weeks. The snow is just about gone where I am putting the raise beds. I'll have to blow the snow someplace else next year.

Meaties, turkeys and new layers are all ordered. I should be seeing them in May.

I did something foolish and paying for it now. I picked up something heavy and tore the meniscus in both my knees. This is the second time I did this to them. I had one done last Tuesday and they found 2 new tears. Other then bad meniscus (yea I'm blaming them) the joints look good, no arthritis.

Enjoy your day, it's the only one
Looking out the office window and I see rain, makes me wish my house was finished and I was sitting under the front porch in the swing listening to the water on the tin instead of in this ergo-chair. *sip* Coffee just doesn't taste as good at work as it does at home.
Good morning chicken wranglers
Got my R Reds and my rocks and my Americana's Monday . My 8 year old is in charge of their care. We will see how it progresses since he volunteered.

I have got to agree with you Q that the old man is on the riuin . It looks like we are on to some warm dauys band cool nights for the next couple of weeks around here.
I repaired all the hot wire in the rear pasture. It is ever so satisfying to watch as the cows try it and get a good lick from the fence after having them tear the heck out of it for a few weeks.
Time to get busy prepping for all the work t come.
God Bless!
Morning People,
Looks like we are in for rain (cloudy overcast) the next couple of days. The temps in the mid to upper 50's, lows in the mid to upper 30's. I hope this is finally it.

Trout season starts next week. The creeks and streams are high, dirty and fast. The last time I was over the over, it looks like it was cleared of ice. We still have frost in the ground with a nice layer of mud on top.

Karl, That will be a good job of your 8 year old.

Rngbill, What is your coop going to look like when completed? You going to take pictures?

Here's a question: do you have a favorite coffee spot? I was on the road a lot, more so in the past then now. There was always the "favorite" spots.

Enjoy you day, it's the only one

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