Coffee's ready...

Well I worked in the garden tying up tomatoes. Weeding and mowing grass. Might have it all done by tomorrow .

Gave away four hens today and sold a pullet since last time we talked. Sold my incubator too. Any new chicks will have to come from broody hens and at least two more hens seem broody.

Cleaned the pen for one hen with one chick and Lord have mercy she was madder than mad. She did not want me messing with her baby. They needed cleaning so there was no two ways about it, they were going to get cleaned.

I still have chicks to go through and see which will be staying. Just four I think. I reckon if I can keep the number at thirty that will be doable.

We had a young man from church die this week. 26 and he had a heart attack. That makes two in the last three months. Camilo was only nineteen. He too had a heart attack. No one knew he had a heart problem.

DW made turkey dinner for some friends of ours. The wife is being treated for bone cancer. She's had her transplant and hopefully all will got well from here on out. Her brother passed a few months ago from brain cancer. Not old folks in their low 60's.

We have other friends going through trials so keep the folks at the Living Word Family worship center in prayer.

The weather has been nice so work outside is not so bad. Though I do wear a sweat band and have to use my inhaler.

Well that's the news on this front. Hope everything is okay with everyone else.

Take care I'll I'll be praying for you too.


Good morning chicken wranglers,
Sounds like you have the outline in order you are covering all the bases ,you just need to let God handle the small stuff.
My tomatoes are about done ,like I said all I have left is the late corn and green beans. Oh and a digging sweet potatoes. I will have to get after that tonight since the mice will be into them soon if I do not get it done ,and that will be a chore after the rain we got today.
Well of to the grind .
God Bless!
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Rained hard last night ,limbs down every where. Chickens were snug as a bug in the coop . cattle were out on the range"pasture " they have no problem with the rain or snow for that matter. Lightning and thunder awakened me several times during the storm. At this point I would also like to note that the Chihuahua always barks at thunder, as if one source of noise is not enough. All in all we weathered the storm okay.
God Bless!
Morning People,
Long time no see. Life has been very busy getting nothing done this summer it feels like. I hope everyone and families are doing good. I have been working on this deck since May and I am hoping to have it done this week. It's nothing fancy, just a small rectangle shape, but woooo taking for ever.I really hate this heat. It's close to 8 am and 72 outside.

Garden is doing better then I thought. It's been dry around here and when it rains, it pours.Meaties are in the freezer, 5 turkeys in the pen. Made sauce once already, will be making more this saturday. Froze some egg plant, yellow squash and made pickles so far.

Enjoy your day
Good morning chicken wranglers
Q how very good to hear from you . sounds like you have been very busy, same here Garden has done well for me and I am read to till it under , Deb should finish up soon with all the canning and freezing . Butchering week end is labor day for me this year " If it works out .
Gotta go
God Bless!
Woke up to a nice somewhat cool morning, 58(F) degs. Talking with our youngest last night, leaves are starting to turn up her way. I have to start thinking about firewood soon.

Karl - I am thinking of putting in 2 more raised beds by spring. 1 for more veggies and another for the betterhalf to have sunflowers. I had the first of the string beans from the garden last night from the "teaser" bed. the main crop is just starting to flower. I'll be pulling the teaser bed soonand planting the cold crops, spinach, greens, lettice. Regards to famliy.

Enjoy your day

Hi, Karl and Q, glad to hear from you again Q. You're not on the New York chicken lovers thread?

Anyhow, went to the NYS fair with a friend yesterday. DW doesn't like to go. Didn't get in to the see the chickens though. Have plans to go again, but may not. Tried the chocolate covered bacon. Yuk! A waste of $2.50 but hey ya gotta thy new things.

I talked to the :"master gardeners"; bout my failed potatoes and for Masters gardeners they were no help whatsoever. Didn't know what was wrong and why I didn't get potatoes. I will do more research to be sure of what's what.

Have gotten a few tomatoes, peppers and there are some Squash. Egg plants did better than I thought they would. Q, I plant flowers in the garden to draw bees. I've seen a few but not enough to my liking. Scarlet runners didn't do as well as I would have liked. Could I be watering them to much? It's been a hot summer as everyone knows.

there are some more raspberries than usual, so I'm hopefull I might get more than a handful before I die.

I won't be planting as much garlic as I usually do next year. DW still have some from last year. I even have some still hanging in the garage from last year. Not a big bulbs, but I'll plant some this year hoping to increase my crop size.

Have been downsizing the chickens and am giving away about 15-6 youngsters. I've had over 25 hits on CL. The only thing you don't get that many hits for is Roosters. In the youngsters case they have to take ALL the youngsters if they want the pullets.

Well that's it around here,
Take can and keep praying.
Good morning fellers,
Rancher, did you buy seed potatoes? The only time I did not get potatoes was when I tried to plant store bought potatoes. They spray the taters with a chemical to keep them from rooting ," there for more attractive to people in the store". and my taters rotted and did not root. The other time there was just too much rain and the taters just rotted in the ground.
This year my sweet taters were huge but my others were average to small, and early. Try again next year and maybe it will work out for you .
God Bless!
I did buy seed potatoes and they did grow. One thing I did read that I may not have read before or wasn't mentioned is I cut off the flowers. I think I read on a site not to do that. Is that true?
Morning Karl, Rancher,

@rancher hicks - To me, only a few things should have chocolate one them, bacon and pretzels aren't one of them. What happen to your potatoes?

I grew/tired potatoes last year? year before? Found out I couldn't eat them so that was the end of them. The kids loved them, thought they were good. My biggest problem was keeping them in the ground to long. I grew them in raised beds which seems to knock off a few weeks ( if not more) of the growing season. So they were done well before their time. I don't know about the flowers (removing or not). I was wondering about the same with garlic. I didn't see a difference this year.

@KARL - You have me thinking about roasted sweet potatoes and oinions....

Enjoy your day


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