Coffee's ready...

Someone actually asked if Folgers has a laxative in it. That made me giggle

I love that coffee pot water tower LOL

Mornin' all...

I just wandered in to smell the coffee. Ahhhhhhh....

Love the smell of coffee, can't drink it

I'll have a Dunkin' Donuts Boston Creme, please
I try only to brew my coffee in a Corning Ware Cornflower percolator (antique style) 12 cup. I know that the solution shouldn't be processed over the grounds more than once, but I enjoy the flavor of my coffee
My mother has collected at least a dozen of these percolators since they're no longer produced and are getting harder and harder to find.
If I'm up really early and brain-dead, I'll make a quick cup of Folger's instant before I'll attempt to get my coffee pot going. If I don't do that, I've done some pretty stupid things not being quite putting two scoops of powder creamer in the coffee pot thinking it was the ground coffee or plugging the coffee pot in and forgetting to put the coffee grounds in so I only have a pot full of hot water when the light comes on.
I use to love my pyrex 12 cup perculator. It went on the stove and made the best coffee. I need to find another, mine broke....I have the insides but.....

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