Coffee's ready...

Choking down my first cup of coffee ... just down the hall, the the surgery holding area is a 27 year old young man who was told yesterday that he had a brain tumor .. he is having surgery this morning.

His mother is my ex-husband's ex-girlfriend. Funny how none of that matters now .. we hugged .. we cried .. we are both mothers .....

Help me pray for this young man.
My father was diagnosed with lung cancer. He had an mri to check for metastical cancer in brain.[all clear]I will be happy to pray for your young charge, and give my thanks for the good news we received yesterday. God bless!
My father was diagnosed with lung cancer. He had an mri to check for metastical cancer in brain.[all clear]I will be happy to pray for your young charge, and give my thanks for the good news we received yesterday. God bless!

Good news about your dad's MRI ..

We're at the "wait and see" stage now .. he's in surgery .. will soon find out exactly what they find in there ..

Got kind of a late start this morning. OH well, its Friday!
hey.....I was here at 3:00 am thinking the same thing about you!!

I can't stick around all morning honey do list is long!!!

There was a time not too long ago when I would've been on here at 3am. But since I've been getting up at 6am, those 3am days are gone!

You better get on that honey do list before it gets any longer. If your DW realizes all the things you COULD'VE gotten done had you not been in here with us, she's really gonna let you have it!
Oh, she knows.....I hear it all the time!!

Doesn't make any difference how fast I work.....she adds to the list faster than I can get stuff what's the hurry?!!
I was gone all morning looking at dogs people want to give up. Its ssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrating! Any little reason: I saw an 8 yr. old yorkie that has had 4 litters of puppies for them and NOW they want to give her up?? She is a sweetie. Then on to look at a stray--I brought him home with me...for now.
We need more foster homes!

Good luck to the young man.

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