Coffee's ready...

Good morning. Well, I got raspberries planted on my farm so they'll be ready around 6:15 am. Now I'm gonna take a shower and feed the dogs....of course have a few more cups of coffee during that time and then load the trailer.
Guess I'll have to plant something for about 6 hrs at 6:15 so when I get home from the road trip the crops will be ready again to harvest.
Good morning!

Can't tell what kind of day it's going to's not daylight yet and there's too much fog.

Have a great road trip, RL!
Be safe.

Carole...have a wonderful time at the swap. They're always so much fun.
Its a beautiful day.. Just need to clean up the house a bit (after coffee and chicken chat of course)

Suns out , dew is heavy and chickens started off their day with some baked beans and shredded zuchinni.. "Life's Good"
Good morning kassy!

When I turn everyone out at 6:30, they all run as fast as they can all over the place trying to scoop up as most bugs/worms as they can. I should video's pretty funny
. Especially when 2 of them run straight into each other!

Feels like it's gonna be another hot one. When that sun finally broke through, the temp instantly went up about 10 degrees.
Good Morning!
The sun is shining, and it is going to be about 85 today. I am glad to be getting some nice pool weather for the kids before school starts.
They are so happy they can finally go in the pool without shivering.

little hens are out - its gonna be a scorcher today.. whew and the humidity!

oh well, headin to the livestock auction - who knows who or what i'll come back with


'mornin everyone!

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