Coffee's ready...

My chickens can't get to the back deck thankfully. It's fenced off, and our dog Brody would have a field day. They haven't found the porch yet.

Good morning .. 1 cup of coffee in...

The young man from yesterday came through surgery great .. tumor was NOT CANCER .. Praise God! And he was excited and awake and talking about going home on Monday or Tuesday ..

Amazing ... medicine .. operate on someone's brain ... send them home in 3 days..

The morning seems a little brighter today ..

Grand news, Tex! I am happy it was not cancer, that's a relief!
to him , his family, you and all who cared for him!
great news Texasgal!

Well I'll have you guys know that because of this thread and all the coffee talk I broke my normal rule of no coffee during the summer and brewed a pot this morning! I even got up early just so it would be cooler when I drank it!!

First coffee in my new house too . drank it out on the porch with a poptart!

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Nancy, DH and I moved here in 2004- and there are still boxes to be unpacked! It's been long enough that each one I get around to is a whole new box of treasure!

TADA! Ranchie is down to 9 roosters!

I've found new homes for 9 roos in 3 days!
OK......goin' fishing tonight so I won't be posting a Good Morning tomorrow morning BUT I will be drinking coffee on my pontoon boat!
Got a small generator that I fire up and plug my coffee pot into, to make coffee in the early morning.
Hopefully the catfish will be biting tonight or in the early am.
Can't get much better than that.......

Sittin' on the water
catfish biting
and of course
fresh coffee in the morning!
Have fun River Lizard! I read though your progress on your pontoon the other night.. pretty cool ! I love fishing! We usually fish from shore here for catfish.. but your pontoon looks like much more comfortable fishing digs!


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