Coffee's ready...

Nancy, DH and I moved here in 2004- and there are still boxes to be unpacked! It's been long enough that each one I get around to is a whole new box of treasure!

TADA! Ranchie is down to 9 roosters!

I've found new homes for 9 roos in 3 days!

Thanks I feel better now.. I'll let the boxes sit for awhile.. I'm sick of unpacking ! LOL

Very cool bout the roo's I just rehomed my last one this week too!

Hello Bagdad!

There's usually a lot more action here in the am. When the rest are drowning in coffee. Despite the fact that I don't drink coffee I am tolerated because I am great fun to torment!
Walked the dogs , fed the cats , released the chickens , had coffee , time for a nap.

Hot here already , sun is just burning off the fog , humid as all get out . Gonna be a light work day , too hot to do any heavy stuff.

OK.....I'm finally home...great fishin' trip! Beautiful night, the temp was super, coffee this morning was great and the fishin'.................... well you decide.......


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