Coffee's ready...

That's a catfish all right! They can get mighty big. Lizard, what's the record?

Really hot and humid here, and no breeze. Bleh. And with TS Bill possibly strengthening it's time to clean all potential flying objects from the house and yard. Don't know what I'll do with the chickens if a 'cane blows in!

The original plan was to cage them in the garage/shop- but it's so full they'll never fit right now.

Dang, now that the potential has arrived I won't be able to think of anything else!
Holy smokes, that's a big catfish!

What kind of catfish bait do you use? Back in the day (when I fished), I used an old farmer's concoction that contained Limburger cheese. It worked really well, but man does that stuff stink!
Guess that's why it was so effective.
OMG man! Details please.... Bait? Where'd you get that monster? Were you near the nuke plant? How ya gonna cook it?

Morning all. Still in bed here working on my first cup.
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Thanks all. It's a Blue Catfish and I was using Crappie as bait. It hit around 1:00 am while I was sawing logs and was woke by the reel drag singing!! Took me about 10 minutes to pull him in. Was on the upper James River by the shipping docks. The cat was CPR'd (Caught, Photo'd and Released) to fight another day for someone else.
Our Neighbor got a new guest visiting today. The cute little guy will be there for training for a few months.

Here he is...



and I'll throw this in just because....Introducing.....Yoda ( aka Oma)


She just had a bath, and that is the reason for the death glare. She new what was coming up next.....The Shave.


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