Coffee's ready...

Good morning! It's a beautiful, cloud free day in Sunny Arkansas. The temps are in the seventies this morning and weatherguy says we're going to have a cool weekend. Strange for AugustalmostSeptember!

Today I am going to a very large poultry auction. I'm going to pick up half a dozen serama eggs while there from another BYC member. I'll be taking my itty bitty Mazda Miata to prevent myself from bringing home boxes and cagefuls of chickens.
Mamagardener, thanks for your concern. I injured it last week by trying to lift a chicken coop that was much to heavy. Evidently as you age you don't get any smarter. I did see a chiropractor for an adjustment and it is feeling much better. He did recommend that if it didn't feel better soon I should see a medical doctor to get an MRI. Fortunately, it does seem to be getting better.
That's good to hear. I know what you mean about the back and age. I still act like I did when I was 20. The weirdest thing is my lower back hurts when I wash dishes and fold laundry. It must be the way I stand when I do it. That never used to happen. Must be age setting in. Funny thing about age, you don't feel it until you hurt yourself. I still feel 20!
Good morning my fine fellow chicken addicts!

Working on my first cup
, checking emails, updating the is gooooood!
Morning all! Today is cold and misty! I actually have a warm winter bathrobe on this morning. Well the Old Farmers Almanac did say it is going to be a cold September this year. I hope it clears up because my Mom and the rest of the family are coming over for my Mom's birthday. I would like to have it outside, please get sunny and warm.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday no matter what the weather!

Time for another cup......much better!!!

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