Coffee's ready...

Wake up PC!
Morning everybody.

Just got first cup of coffee , looks like it is going to be warm and dry here so we can get more done on the new coop. Got floor done and framed 2 side walls yesterday . The girls inspected it just before they went in for the night and seemed to approve , got to remember to clean off the poo before we get started today .

Well I just checked and God was kind enough to give me a pulse again this morning so I guess it's up to me what I will do with my day. Yesterday I was able to get enough accomplished on the coop addition to allow the girls into the additional area. I've added another 24' of roosts and it will be interesting to see how much they actually use. I'd be willing to bet that they still crowd each other.
I think that I will try to finish the coop that I am building for my sons mother. It will be a 2x4' gambrel roofed barn with a 3' drop shed on the side for the nest box. It's starting to look pretty cute and I will post pictures when I have it done. I'm going to paint it a lifht green with dark green trim and dark green shingles. When I get to Missouri with it we will build an enclosed run and it will make an ideal setup for a small bantam flock.
Good morning everybody.
It's cool and breezy in Benton this morning..a little overcast. Maybe we have rain in the forecast? Dunno, I didn't watch the weather last night. We went out for mexican food and those were some STRONG margaritas! I'm a little fuzzy headed this morning.
Good Morning everyone, I want to thank the Lord for letting me have another day, and that I was able to get up. Some times I take this for granted. I too have a a great morning going on. Just finished the coffee. I need to get my butt in gear and do something.
I had a dream the other night that I built a Hobbit type chicken coop, it was just like the one in the movie only it was dug down about 3', it was so real. Now I want to build one. Has any one ever seen or heard of one? I think I have changed my mind about 15 times. Each time I look at the coops on the forum, I want one. How do you make up your mind? (limited funds) Recycled stuff as much as I can. I had been thinking on making some Adobe blocks. I have always wanted to dig it down 3' and have a green roof, covered with chicken wire, ( small gauge ) Planted with greens, lettuces herbs and grasses. the chickens could eat the goods without pulling the plant out of the ground. I need Help!
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No no no no NO, Shelley!!! You've got to put the other ROO pic back up as your avatar .. I didn't even recognize you ........ **pout**

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