Coffee's ready...

Good morning!!! Yup, switched my coffee. Hallo! and guten morgen!
Chickens are let out, fed. Note: must fix roost and side door, and change the bedding again because of all the damp.

Post a new topic asking for help on those bumble bees...aren't they ground dwellers? Under your floor boards, yikes...someone oughta know what to do around here.

Raining and cool again today in Atlanta. I see on the news that Arizona is in the path of a hurricane. Really? That should help their scanty monsoon season.

Grinding my own beans is a nice treat, but not for that zombie-in-the-morning time for me. In the mornings I just do it for the buzzzzzz.
I sure hope someone can help me. My barn floor is the bees are just underneath the loose hay, and not actually in the ground. They sure were ticked off this morning when I went out there. I had to do a "don't sting me dance" to get to my hay to feed the horses.
Gee, Shelley ... I panicked so badly, that I ordered my own Fav eggs ... maybe I'll get my own (albeit standard) "Sammy" ...

I'll have a hard time deciding which rooster to keep .. if I get a Cuckoo Maran and Salmon Faverolle roos.

Aw heck ... might have to keep both, huh?

**sipping coffee**
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Michele, Get some wasp and hornet spray. You can stand back 15' and spray it at the entrance to the nest. It works well. I just used some to kill the white faced hornets that had built a huge paper nest on the overhang to my workshop. I have used it in the past on yellow jacket underground nests so it will work for bumble bees.
morning chicken wranglers,
How is everyone? I am on my game. Cows met me at the gate chickens aren't goin hungry and neither am I. My W.W. gave me the ultimatum, "no beer, Low cal and exercise off those extra pounds. Heck Ive only gained 40 pounds in the 15 years we been married whats the problem. 6 pack is a keg Spare tire 0r what ever.
I have the gardening done for the season so I cant fall back on that for an excuse " but I wonder? Is cutting Wood for the fireplace a good replacement excuse?
Texasgal, I think I'll name the next bird "Arms", as in the right to keep and bear...
Maybe if you don't use a chainsaw or a power splitter you might get enough exercise to loose the toolshed look. Even though I work hard physically, I found as I got older I need to start exercising more to stay fit. I now weigh exactly the same as I did 40 years ago. My best friend refuses to exercise and now weighs 40 lbs more than he did 40 years ago. He can't do half what I can, so do yourself a favor and reduce.
yep! as long as you arent doing it with a beer in your hand and you have a nice salad with lemon dressing. cowboy up and do it old school with an axe then you can have a steak
Heck yeah, that's a lot of work! I am the designated kindling splitter here, that's work, too.

Good morning ya'll, 70 degrees and rainy here- don't want the rain, but I am LOVING the 70's!

Before I can put the elec. fence up I have to clear a path through the jungle, and it wet and muddy out there. But I have made it through another night with all my chickens, though with the lights and radio, their disco party is keeping us awake

HEY! That was my 8000th post!!!!
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