Coffee's ready...

Good morning! My boys starting crowing early this morning - around 4am. I'm not sure why they chose to wake me with such a slow, painful process.

About to load up with a second cup of coffee and try to get to work early.

So, let's talk coffee - what kind do people like? and how do you drink it? Is it the same when someone else makes it?

I love hot, hot coffee. We usually drink Maxwell House or Folgers (whichever is on sale, to be honest). I prefer it when I make it as my husband makes it too strong. I usually drink mine with Vanilla creamer, no sugar.

My favorite though is a coffee shop at the mall and once a year I buy a pound of "Yuletide Blend" and grind it myself. Now that coffee I can drink all day it is so good.
Aw I've never seen this thread. Hi everyone
Good morning!
May your day be AWESOME and go at the speed you wish
Good Morning to All.
Maxwell House here too, Flogers started tasing like burned shoe leather a while back.

When I get the chance though not often its head off to Lavazza's for one of the delish Mocca latte' with some other wonderfull flavor added. Sadley at $5.00 per small cup its only a once in a while treat.
sweet cream no sugar.
my favorite subject!!! as an ex-seattlite i can tell you that i am a complete and total coffee snob! oh the boutique coffees! stumptown, ladro, torrefazione... i could go on and on....

but out here with the amish i'm lucky to get a bag of good ol starbucks when they have it at the grocery...

gotta go milk the go - have a happy 09/09/09 everybody!!!!
I LOVE owls .. we had a family of Great Horned Owls where I used to live .. They were so fun to listen to .. especially when they were feeding chicks .. I miss them.
Late start today, Have not been sleeping well.

I found out yesterday their is no intelligent life forms in this town!
Thank goodness for all you kind people that keep me sane.

Sugar free French Vanilla Creamer with STRONG Hot Coffee. No sweetener.
Not a coffee drinker, but I love the smell of coffee! So I wander in here to smell all the delicious smells...ahhhhh.....

My grandmother used to say there's no such thing as strong coffee, only weak people.
No One could drink her coffee!
Not a coffee drinker, but I love the smell of coffee! So I wander in here to smell all the delicious smells...ahhhhh.....

My grandmother used to say there's no such thing as strong coffee, only weak people.
No One could drink her coffee!

I have to cut the coffee amount in half when we I brew a pot for company as people say ours is too strong.
But I love the rich bold flavor. Not the watery flavorless stuff.

People are crazy for Duncan Donuts coffee around here, I find it extremely week. I order the turbo charged stuff, and that's not strong enough either.
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Not a coffee drinker, but I love the smell of coffee! So I wander in here to smell all the delicious smells...ahhhhh.....

My grandmother used to say there's no such thing as strong coffee, only weak people.
No One could drink her coffee!

I have to cut the coffee amount in half when we I brew a pot for company as people say ours is too strong.
But I love the rich bold flavor. Not the watery flavorless stuff.

People are crazy for Duncan Donuts coffee around here, I find it extremely week. I order the turbo charged stuff, and that's not strong enough either.

Well, I knew you were a strong woman, Holly (I've been following the Officer Bumpkin Escapades)

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