Coffee's ready...

I know you all remember the statement I made about the boy friend deal ! My little girl "15 and big as her mom " told the boy she thought things were moving too fast . She didnt like the idea of being exclusive so I am proud that she shows a mature position and not a needy want a boy friend dependency.
Good for her! Both my daughters are independent thinkers like that and don't get pressured easily. They are 19 and 15. I'm more worried about the 17 year old boy in the middle.
Good for her kl, seems like you did good. You never know what rubs off. When you are least expecting it, they blow you away.

God bless all the people who were involved,and lost their lives on 9-11. I don't think I will ever forget where I was and what I was doing. will you?

I sure don't want to forget to say a prayer for all are service men and women, giving their lives so we may be FREE. Thank you all.
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Morning all. Couldn't sleep due to the snoring bear sleeping in my bed. God-love-him but we're going to have to look into that.

So I've been surfing for awhile, drinking milk instead of caffeine hoping that I might yet catch a few winks before my morning of garage sales.

It's going to be a glorious day on the farm.
Morning all, morning Chickbond007.
Getting ready for soccer. First game starts at 8:30, now I have to get 3 children ready to spend the morning on soccer fields. Fun, fun instead of a cup I think I need a gallon to get me started today. It is not so much the 8:30 start time as it is the rainy dampness today, I wish they had just cancelled!

Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday morning whether it's rainy or sunny.
i couldnt sleep because of the cornucopia of kittens bouncing all over the bed. then the guineas started screaming like monkeys just at i gave up and got up. me and the dogs hauled our bleary selves out there... hawks.

so - always trust a guinea???

dang this coffee is good this morning.

we are headed out to the local honey festival!! whee!!!
Morning all. Didn't sleep well last night. Found out for sure who at least one of the people who have called animal control was. Won't tell the husband because he might go do things I wouldn't like.

Found out she called because she "had a headache that day and didn't want to hear any noise." WE LIVE 4 BLOCKS FROM THE AIRPORT FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!!! THE JETS ARE LOUDER THAN MY CHICKENS ANY DAY!!!

Ok just had to vent. I get along with and like/ tolerate most people. She is probably the only person I can think of that I truly dispise, and it is more than just the animal control thing.

Live and let live, live and let live, live and let live...
I thought about going down and defacing the sign she has in her yard for the church she goes to. She is in no way a Christian. She is a very holier than thou, hypicritical, "B", that has spread nasty rumors about my family in the past and will gladly admit it. (She told the parents of my daughters friends that Mike beats us and not to let their kids come over to play - he has NEVER laid a hand on anyone in this house - I wouldn't be here still)

Both her kids are in college and she told one neighbor that she won't get a job because then her kids won't get pell grants anymore. So add lazy goverment fund user to the list of things I can't stand about her.

I just wish I had more than two roosters that crowed.

The thing is if she had called me that day and said "Hey I'm having a migraine and your roosters are crowing a lot today, could you do something?" I would have put them in the shed with food and water to muffle it for awhile.


Ok I'm gonna let it go now. Really.

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