Coffee's ready...

Oh man I forgot about Red Dawn...WOLVERINES!!!

Am chores done, sweating like a piggy already...when's it gonna cool off???

Just realized we forgot to put a door for the chickens in the coop. Have window and doors for me to does that happen?
Good for you.
I've been coloring my hair since I was 19 due to early graying. I'm now 90% gray. eakes.

You know it doesn't take much, Just a bit of time together in a relationship.
Whatever you choose to do or not do, always take time for each other.

Got up. and running since, my feet hit the floor. Lots done today, and will be out and about tomorrow.
A bit late reporting, but I wanted to get the jump on the Wednesday "Good Mornings"!

Opa says hello and good morning too, he is staying busy and enjoying his family time.
Good morning chicken wranglers
Im at it early today. Hot job for the steel mill. It has to be back by 1;00 . got my guy pree heating the buggar for welding .gotta go have agreat day! God bless!
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Morning all. All my cabinets are in, just need a counter- top and the trim work and we will be all done with the kitchen and addition!

Then it is on to the living room. Just need to finish pulling down some old paneling in there, retextrure and paint. Some new carpet and it will be done.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. The weather has been gorgeous here and the leaves are starting to turn. I LOVE fall.
woo hoo, ya'll sound so enthusiastic! Sitting here drinking my coffee and watching DS suit up to toss a tarp over the chicken tractor. Its a rainy day in Georgia! Gonna rain all week too.
Good excuse to stay in bed and get over the cold of the week. Or not; I've had a half a pot of coffee.
**yawn** .. Good morning folks..

I feel very BYC neglectful .. I've been over on my "crime board" following the Annie Le case .. very sad.

Hey, it's HUMP DAY ... I need another weekend...

We're actually feeling like the beginning of fall in Texas .. whoop!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh .. we went through there a few years back after picking my girls up from Boone.. I've got some cool pics of some of the bridges ..

Beautiful places! Would LOVE to see them in fall colors.

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