Coffee's ready...

ChickBond 007, your description seems to fit me also! 3 guys, all "adult" if you can call it that (DH, DS23, DS18). Yes, I got it! he he he. The coffee pot is about empty, the cold meds kicking in - yahoo!
Good morning everyone, it's Friday!!!! Very chilly here in Central MA, the weather got into the 40's last night. Time to shop for winter coats for the kids, before you know it they will be freezing at the bus stop. Hope everyone has good plans for the weekend, and enjoys themselves.
Well it's very humid here this morning. I can't wait until it gets coolers. Dog days in North Carolina. The kids are off to school and I'm at work. Coffee was great, more would be better. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Got to work early today, finishing up what didn't get done yesterday. I'm taking a sneak break to say good morning to all. Then I'll get my second cup of coffee.

Happy Friday!
Friday and the weekend schedual is busier than the week days hope I make it through. Take care have a great weekend ladys and gentlemen.
I have HAD it with the heat/humidity!

Coffee's good this morning but just makes me sweat MORE doing my am chores. I sweat just walking the kids to the bus!

But stay tuned, I'll be complaining when it's 50 degrees too!
Good morning all.
Hope everyone has a super weekend.

I got stung by a scorpion on the side of my foot three days ago. After meds and ice pack, it didn't hurt so bad. This morning the whole bottom of my foot is red red, when I step down pain shoots up my leg. It is a good thing I go to the Doc. this morning. I will have him take a look at it. It was my fault. I know I should not be working outside with flip-flops on. This is the reason why! DAH! It was very small. Thank goodness that it was not the Bark scorpion. Or I'd really have a problem. BAD BOY!

Just about finished the coffee. Better let the chickens out, feed and water them and shower and get my butt to the Doc.

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Morning to everyone. The kids already have a day off from school and the hubby actually got up to let the dog out at 4 am when she started whimpering. So I got to sleep in!!

My daughter has a physical at 3:30 today - I'm kind of anxious to see if she has hit the 5 ft mark. She is 15 and pretty much done growing. At last years physical she was 4'10.

A lot of boys seem to like her because she is "tiny", they don't understand though that she is also bull headed, a former gymnast and could throw them across the room if she felt the need.

Think scrappy but cute puppy.

One of her new dream vehicles to own is a forklift.

ETA: Hope your foot is OK. Iowa = no scorpions thank goodness! That sounds painful and I'd hate to give up flip flops.
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Sorry about the foot Pati, hope it heals fast. Scorpion stings HURT!

70F here, and rain moving in from the Gulf, for the next 4-5 days. Time for indoor activities. Never a shortage of indoor chores.

Opa called yesterday, he should be back on or around the 25th.

Yeah it is Friday...I start my new job on Monday!

It is going to be another hot one today 95...record breaking heat
Next week frost

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