Coffee's ready...

Looks like all you northern folks got our rain!!! Rained here for week solid had floods and here where we are got a total of 9 inches for the week. Sorry for yall but glad to have the sun shining today. Maybe today will be a good day I am hoping anyways!!!!
Ugh .. Carole .. DHs family does that to us .. I prefer it that way, but it's not MY family .. it's VERY hurtful to him..

Like Stupidbird said: "You can pick your friends, and your nose, but you can't pick your family .."

Good Morning, Good Morning. God has giving me another day. How will I use it today? I have so many projects floating around in my head that need to be done. However, I did a rebuild, rearrange, sort of thing with Willy Boys hutch in the pen. I got the platform built and moved into the pen. Put the cage on top of that, built the roof over that. I had the cage setting up on blocks and lots of branches around it befor=]. That layout took up lots of space. The platform is 3' tall and open under it, so with the cage on top of that and the roof with a 1' overhang all sides and Turned a different direction. I now have freed up space. The branches were made into step's and roost area to get into the cage. I hardly had it finished when Mr. Peep, Tina, Janis and Peaches were up there looking around. Mr. Peep was in the bedding kicking it around, making a nest, laying down in it, all the time making clucking sounds. (He dos this to all new bedding) With in 15:00 min. One of the girls lay an egg.
What a treat. Should I take that as MOM, I love Willy Boys new diggs.

Opa, Those mountains are so breathtaking, sip that coffee, watch the critters,enjoy the trip. How is Granny doing?

Sorry Carol about the family thing. It use to happen to me. You just have to blow it off. Like what was said, you can't help who you are related to.
Sorry to read about all the unwanted rain and flooding around the country. I can't hardly get rain in my area, however Sodona Arizona got mud slides and flooding. WE have had some strange weather this year.

Sissy, I wish I could try that DD coffee. I have not seen a DD in 6years. None around here. Sure sound yummy. I am enjoying my Krogers Breakfast Blend (BLACK) KL sounds like he is a sugar man. I wonder if Sam is?
morning all! coffe is on ..

man ill take the rain that some of you all are getting! we havent had a good rain in so long i cant remember!

it was VERY cold last nite, and my windows in the van are frosted over! YIKES winter is on the way. the winters here get bad.. but i love the snow
have a good day all!
Morning all,

On my second cup, clear and sunny here. Trying to get the energy to finish unloading the trailer of the 2 cords of firewood I got yesterday. I have about 1/3rd left. It only took a few minutes to load with 3 people.. now that it's just me unloading .....ugh! Looking forward to
using the wood stove again though and having it be cold enough to !

Have a great day everyone!

I just finished the pot, had to warm the last cup 2 times. I had better get busy with the laundry. I just turned on some good tunes to work by. I am set to GET-ER-DONE! So that I can play the rest of the day.

Hope everyone has a super nice day.


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