Coffee's ready...

Well thank you. It takes a lot less energy to put that smile on than a frown. I love to laugh, sing and listen to good music. I am so glad that I stay in a up mood most of the time. I do have down times and if it is really bad, I will suffer for a day, one only, I don't have enough time to waste, so after that day, I get back to love of life and STUFF! I look for the good.
But then an ant moving a piece of dog food makes me laugh LOL!
Morning! It is not raining here this moment. Should cheer up the chickens! Coffee GOooooood! Yay caffiene! I'm looking forward to everything drying out enough to get back to the outside projects.

raining a bit here..but thats ok we got our tiling and graveling bring it on!

bread making, laundry, hanging out inside...where is that coffee...

happy tuesday everyone!!!
Where is everyone this morning? No one has the Coffee on? Wake up get the chores done.
I'm on my 3rd cup.
Wow just heard on the news, some areas are getting Snow, I think today is the first day of fall. OMG! I bet the Trees are starting to turn colors. They are talking about the flooding. I hope none of you guys are in the middle of all that. Prayers for all that are.
Sorry about yelling this morning. My kitten has had me awake sense 2:00 a.m. I did not want to get up. I did as he would not let me alone., biting my toes, jumping on me, scratching at the sheet. Needless to say, I GOT UP! OK I'm over it.

Hope everyone has a great day. I need to get my chores done.

Hay FarmGirl, what kind of Bread are you making today?
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Morning chicken wranglers,
Hope you all have a great day! Raining here and its in the forcast until friday. Oh well ya gotta do.
Hi everyone ...

I've missed ya'll ... it's raining here .. and will be for a few days .. I guess we still need the rain, but it's not what you want to see when you're trying to build a house .. grrrrrrr...

Praise the Lord for the rain ..........
Praise the Lord for the rain ..........
Praise the Lord for the rain ..........
Praise the Lord for the rain ..........
Praise the Lord for the rain ..........
Praise the Lord for the rain ..........
Praise the Lord for the rain ..........
Umm Umm Good. 2nd. cup here so Its rise and shine
there are things to do, and I have the first load in the washer yaa then its clean out back in the mud what a mess but what
has to be has to be done, Muck boots are waiting.

you all have a great day,

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