Coffee's ready...

good morning opa!!!...
were you on the road? (the drinking coffee at yr own table comment)
good morning opa!!!...
were you on the road? (the drinking coffee at yr own table comment)

I have just returned from 2 weeks in the Ozark Mtns. Worked on my youngest sons house, visited with the oldest son and his family and then visited aunts and uncles.
Glad you're back, Opa. I always love coming home to my own bed after traveling - makes me think with compassion of all those who don't have their own beds to curl up in.

It's Saturday and I don't have to get up at 4!! I've let out the chickens and poured a cup of brew and now I can satisfy my BYC habit.

Good morning all! It's going to be a clear crisp sunny day here in New Hampshire.
Welcome home Opa. I'll bet you are enjoying your own bed. your own coffee cup and your own chickens. HOME SWEET HOME!

I am a early morning person. I always am wide awake and ready to enjoy my day. I worked an early morning shift at a breakfast cafe for some time years ago. If I smiled and said Good Morning to some people they would jump all over me, yell at me. What did I have to smile about that early in the morning. LOL! that used to blow me away. How could someone be that nasty first thing in the morning. I have a sister-in-law that you can't even talk to unless she has had a POT of coffee.

ShadowPaints, Hope you get all your painting done. Sounds like a sweet thing to do for your Hubby, bake some cookies for him. You know it is little things like that, that grows love.

Carole, all of my dogs and my cat are rescue. Good Luck on finding that special friend. They make such great pets. I think they are thankful for a nice loving home. Do keep us posted and post a photo of the new pet.
welcome home opa!!!!

well i want to have a busy day today but i dont know if i will be able to get my mojo going this morning

things i want to do:
clean house
finish washing floor in dining room
flat iron my hair (2 hr job)
make a big dinner
make dessert
go grocery shopping

sadly my allergies are acting up and i doubt i will get 1/2 the things on my list done
Morning People,
Funny I found this thread, here I am finishing up my eggs and toast and slurping the last cup of coffee. We are off to the Hudson Valley Garlic Festival this morning. After-wards, my fun fill day will consist of hauling firewood, mowing and working on the solar.
Everyone, have yourself a good day.

Good Morning!

Getting the coffee down along with my pseudoephedrine...woke up with a killer sinus headache.

Wish it was chilly here...still in the 90's this weekend!

I will have to suck it up, promised my best friend I'd help her with her 16yo's b-day pool party today. So...that'll be fun...

I love reading posts from all you happy morning people on days like this, helps me get a better attitude!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Welcome Home Opa!
How was your trip? I hope your Boys are all doing Good! But selfishly happy your home, WE missed you and your conversation.

It's a chilly 50 f or 10c this morning. But I don't mind. it wakes me up!

Yesterdays conversation on Coffee cups. I wash daily, but use one all day long without rinsing as I just keep refilling
And I have several I like to use. Basically the bigger the better!

The other thing I do ... Well I will not drink out of a plastic glass. Ruins the taste of whatever I'm drinking.

No set plans today ... But I'm seldom Idle. Can't just watch a movie and nothing else ... must keep doing things. So I'll sew or knit, something.


And I got MY FIRST EGGS YESTERDAY! 2 of them. I asked who laid them but the chickens didn't answer me. I have 4 hens old enough to lay! .. I suspect Rhoda my RIR laid one, as she was especially affectionate yesterday when I asked
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