Coffee's ready...

Good morning. coffee is perking and Icant
wait for that first cup. I do wish it dose not rain but its been that kind of weather for the last few days drizzle here and there. to much to do for my ladies and Gents and its just a mud slide
everyone have a great day.


I Have 4 new baby silkies and 5 ameraucanas
And I am a happy chicken keeper
Oct. 10 was hatch day I hope more
want to meet me.
Good morning - it's pouring rain, has been all night, with occasional lightening and thunder. Inside chores today! Mostly anyway. Working on the second cup of coffee, the not-so-caffienated stuff. Already went out to open the pop door; girls weren't that pleased with the rain.
Made one XL pot of from-scratch spagetti sauce; delicious but it gave DH and me such heartburn that I'll freeze it all in little ziplocks for the DS's to have. I'll make something mild and gentle tonight.

Crittercrzy, you sure do sound energetic this morning! What's your secret?
Good morning everyone! Just got my crock pot loaded up with the very last of my skimpy garden goodies. Celery, green beans, chives, oregano, plus about 10 other veggies I had on hand. That is gonna be so good later!

Sissy - I'm still battling sinus pain and pressure. Oh man, I hate to call the doctor again. Why am I the only one with one medical problem after another? My lungs are also congested to the max. The asthma is just awful. I'll be calling the doctor if I can't kick it out in the next few days. For now, I'm just killing the pain with tylenol.

I got the sewing machine at the auction I wanted this weekend. A whole 2 bucks! My daughter says we scored big! People just don't sew any more I guess. They also sold 2 other sewing machines for $2.00 for BOTH! And they had cabinets!

Well, enjoy the day everyone! Coffee is rockin this morning!
Ugh .. normally I love the fall rainy stormy weather ... but I want the house built more .. LOL.

It is sooooo wet out there. We got the piers poured last week, I don't know when it'll be dry enough to pour the slab .. Concrete truck almost got stuck ..

I need another up of coffee...

Good morning!
Scoop, I agree about people not sewing anymore! I am embroidering DS's GF's new daypack for hiking with pink lazy daisies and they all think it's the best most skilled thing they've seen. good grief! I'm so sloppy! I know what GOOD embroidery looks like and that isn't it.

And I probably am repeating it, but warm/hot wet washcloth compresses and the chamomile steam head tenting thing is supposed to help. Chronic sinus myself...

and....hey, you grow celery??? that's skilled!
LOL .. Right!?! We HAD no drainage problems before they started changing the natural lay of the land and bringing in all that clay .. lol..

But you're right, we can at least see where we might have issues now ..

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