Coffee's ready...


I do



edited to prevent mayo from being thrown at me
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Morning all! Well, no deer out there last night while hunting. They must have heard it's hunting season.

PurpleChicken did you get coffee? That would be a total disaster here if I was out! I'd be makin a trip to McDonalds for a tall cup of joe!

Have a good one everyone!
morning chicken wranglers;
How is everyone? Got to go get a cup of jo. Go to work and see what is going on. Have a great morning!
Hey! where is everyone. Is everyone sleeping in? I am on my 3rd cup and feeling perky today. I am ready to tackle the new pen area again today. I'm not to sore from moving the mulch pile.

I know the Deer can tell when it is hunting season. When i lived in the mountains, the deer would come into the subdivision at daylight and stay there all day. You could drive all over and see several herds. The Elk would do the same thing. Good Luck, hope you get one. Venison is so yummy!

Purple Chicken, Hang in there. You may have to make a coffee run.

Have a great day everyone:frow
I'm here!

I'm super grouchy, just did the bills, my hormone rage and hot flashes and and and I am ready to explode. Getting calmer as I am now somewhat coherent.

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