Coffee's ready...

A super good morning everyone, Just about got the old pot empty. My gosh, you guys make me cold. BURRRRR. I do so remember those days, even here in Arizona. In my younger days I had a buisness in two different areas of AZ. Both in the mountains. Both had snow and plenty snow and cold. The last place was at the 8,000 feet. We got snowed in often. Some times it would be days before you could get down off the rim. On a really slow day, some of the people would ski or ride their snowmobiles to the store. We also were the post office. They would watch the store and let me take a ride on the snowmobile. I had my cross country skis parked at the store so I could get out and about. Visit my friends. In the winter the pop. was 51, and in the summer, over 10,000. Camping or they had a cabin. I got tired of shoveling snow that was 6' or higher. I am a short person 5'2", I can't throw snow that high. The fire dept. was right across from my place, being I had the post Office, The country road guy had to keep the road plowed, in front of both places. He plowed my gas pump area also. I was an EMT and first responder. I dispatched for the Dept., at night. What an experience that was. I do go on and on sometimes. I hope no one gets offended by my going down memory lane.
Some churches have nurseries.

I waited until Drumstick was 4 to start bringing him to church and hated it when his mom came because you know how a little boy is with his mommy.
Hey guys.
hmmmm nice tasty hot coffee and a brisk morning. looks to be a bit warmed today. Hope to get out and plant some bulbs and a bit of building for the chicks, for winter, to do.

It's looking pretty out with the fall colors!
I have got to quit waking up 2 hours before daylight. I've already drunk an entire pot of coffee. The temperature here is a little warmer than it had been, we're all the way up to 36 and the high is supposed to be in the lower 50's today. I bought a new two stage sno-blower and I've got to decide what heighth I need to adjust it to. I have 2 driveways and one is gravel so I can't set it two low or I will throw all of the gravel out into the yard. I hate thinking about snow removal but it is a grim reality of life in Michigan. Some days I think I'd like to move but then I think about all the spiders, ticks, chiggars and snakes that the cold snowy winters prevent us from having to deal with in the winter and shoveling and plowing doesn't seem like that much of a hardship. Man do I hate spiders and snakes.
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRr who stole the heat from the southeast and do they intend on returning it any time soon?? Oh my goodness it's 30 degrees out there! I thought I woke up in NY this morning!

I don't drink coffee but I have a nice hot cup of tea and I'm attempting to warm up.

Good morning everyone!

Opa - I hate snakes and spiders, too. Icky spiders! Especially the brown hairy ones, oh they are scary! It's 27 here. Thick frost. I was out feeding and opening up the coop for 5 minutes and my lungs hurt! I am still dealing with congested lungs. They are a bit better but so sore! I'm not sure this is normal so I may have to call the doc again. We are on a first name basis now!
Just kidding! But we do swap hunting stories every time I come in! He must think I'm nuts! I'm sick but I still want to talk hunting!

Coffee is groovin this morning! Ahhhhh.....
Ok .. got my big cup of coffee .. cream and sugar ..

It's 45 here this morning.. beautiful!

We finally got the slab and piers poured for the house.. framers are supposed to be starting today .. ya'll can see progress if you follow the link in my signature..

My chicks are 3.5 weeks old .. took them to the property for the first time yesterday .. they had fun .. they are so ugly right now..

Pics here:

3 of my 4 SFs are cockerels .. oh well .. The white one is a beauty, but who wants a white SF Roo?? I love the Roos because they are so COLORFUL ..

Oh, and Opa .. Spiders are our friends ..
??? Seriously, from temps were 100+ with humidity about 4 or 5 days ago and now...ugh!

Had to bring in the silkie and showgirls last night cuz they didn't have time to adjust!

Shoulda had more than 1 cup of coffee...have to go tend to another BYCers chickens and she had a LOT of chickens!!!

Have a great day everyone!

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