Coffee's ready...

Good morning. Been up since 6. Made a MickeyD's run for breakfast on the way to get gravel for the low end of the run. Get to the supply yard and they are all out of river pea gravel. Called everywhere we could think of and no one has it so we headed back home. Go to the coop and find that the water flooded last night so I had to clean that all up. It's dreary and rainy and I'm damp from working outside.
Let's go back to bed and start this day again. Oh wait, I can't now. I have to take my daughter to work. (She's 16 but can't get her license till February. Days like this I'm really wishing for the good ole days when you could get your license on your 16th bday.) By then it'll be 10 o'clock - too late to go back to bed so I suppose I'll start work in the basement. Oh my....
Good Morning, been up since just before 7, week caught up with me. Have some guys coming to put the roof (please think good thoughts!) on the barn, so our Alpacas will have some shelter!!! Then we have to side it and divide it, but DH and I should be able to do that. Making a big batch of lasagna and apple crisp is they want to eat before they leave. DS worked all night at his LPN job, so I know he isn't going to be able to hang in there all day long before he crashes!! I am so thankful these guys are coming to give us a helping hand!!!
Phox, Men are like that. You have to keep house training going on. Don't over do it.
53 Chickens. I'd say you have a full time job keeping up with your flock. Do you raise Meat Birds? Or for Eggs to sell? What kind of Chickens do you have?
Yes it's still morning time.

Dreary outside. Great day to spend curled up in front of a fire. But I don't have a fire place and I have too many things need doing to not do them

Kids and hubby are all home for the weekend so hopefully tonight we will watch a couple movies curled up with popcorn.
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Oh I really can not complain about my guys. Hubby spoils me totally , I have not done laundry in 9 years , he also does most of the cooking and shopping and if I really want something all I have to do is ask . Housekeeping and dishes are just not his thing.

My flock is a mixed up batch of egg layers and banties . My big girls and boy are mostly sex links , red and white , 3 buff orps and 2 barred rocks . banties are a real mixed batch , a trio of lavender D'uccles , 2 Mille fleur boys , 2 black cochin girls , a white cochin boy and the rest oegb.

Good morning all you flock keepers.
My computor still down so it chic little(aka Sissy)
tonopah Send some heat this way if you have any to spare. We are having 37*
and it was wind. this cold iscoming to fast for me,

Iam on the 2nd. cup of sweet tasting java with hazlenut.
Dh is still very ill since Oct9, On Doc says its pnuemonia another its plurisy .
He is very weak, and goes to a pulmonoligst.on monday ,

phox 01 welcome, and glad your feeling better,
how lucky can you get, no laundry in 9years.

Yes men can help. and some do. but Its so nice to
have the better half around the house.

to every one feeling under the weather. Get better ..
But the bug is in the air.
Mamagardner, so sorry about the baby .

And Scoop why havent you sent some soup over this way.
Good morning all:caf I am on the last cup. It is daylight now so I have to let my kids out to play.

I sure wish I could send some warm weather to you. Living in Arizona, gives you more outside time. The sun always shines. I am so spoiled. When it is overcast for more than 2 days, I'm depressed. When it rains, it is such a treat I sometimes go stand out in it, or at least set out on the patio and just watch and smell the rain. I know it sounds crazy. We do get cold weather in the desert. It warms up quite fast when the sun comes up. You can wear shorts.

It sure sounds like you DH is having a hard time shaking that bug. Prayers and hugs for all of you.

Have a great day everyone.
Good Morning All!
It actually looks like it's going to be a pretty day here...sun is shining and should be in the low 60s here. Nothing like sitting out on the deck w/a hot cup of coffee, looking at the beautiful fall foliage, and watching hot air balloons sail over the horizon (not sure what was going on, but they sure were pretty). The dogs didn't much care for them though...

Phox...sounds like you've got yourself a keeper

Tdkmom...enjoy taking your daughter to work. My son got his driver's license about six weeks ago. When he asked if he could use the car to run somewhere (about a week later), I just looked at him like he was crazy. I was about to say "you can't drive" when I realized that he could (legally at least). I'm still terrified to let him just drive off on an errand or something. It just doesn't seem right...
GM all you keepers.. I hope you all are enjoying
your fav, brew..
Having the first cup , its cold here
wish I could stay in bed. but today is the day
DH has to be taken to the pulmonolgist.
Keep us in your prayers.
chic little...aka (sissy)
Still dark here because of the cloud cover. Better get the coffee on and start the day. I hope it is a little warmer and it drys up so we can get the leaves raked that have finally started to fall.

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