Coffee's ready...

Hey .. time to get up it's the morning time.
With the wonderful aroma of fresh brewed coffee in the air.

Chic little your in my prayers.

Enjoy what you have today, it could be gone tomorrow.
Mornong chicken wranglers
Have too much to do today. Need strong coffee and energy bar. Hot jerky or somthing radical have a good day!
Good morning, all! I haven't been on BYC for a little while. Life gets busy...

I have off today from work, but will be getting ready for the Halloween party my kids are having on Saturday!

Beautiful weather so far here in north eastern/central Pennsylvania! The leaves are beautiful!

Hope everyone has a great, productive day!
Hi all - a cold start today. It's about 35 at my house. Brrrrrr. Woodstove is burning.

Chic Little, I guess I should send you some soup for your DH! Let us all know how you make out today at the doctors office!

This is just a random thought - How comes the govt has declared a national emergency regarding the swine flu then they say it is milder than the regular flu? And on top of that we are to make a bee line for the shots and then they announce that there is a shortage. I smell a rat...
Scoop this is not a political thread and we have kept it going for a long time Isuggest you post that statement on random ramblings. LOL
good morning all .. sunny and cool out.. wish us luck.. we are being sued for 26,000 from a contractor we refused to finish paying.. his work is horrible.. so called a lawyer this morning to help bites to be almost 60 and never been to court before.. we have no idea how to do this.. so say a prayer that we can win this..hope you all have a wonderful day today.. god bless
I'm almost 41 and Type 1 diabetic. They recommend I get the flu shots and one for phenoma (did I spell that right???) Anyway, I refuse to get any of them, as I seldom if ever get sick with anything more than a slight cold.
Morning chicken wranglers
I got 8 eggs yesterday so I treated the flock to a bag of stale hot dog buns.
What a guy ! My barred rocks should be laying soon and as they are all too young to molt I should be good to go if I put a light and timer in the coop.
Still got to cull the roosters. I only need 4 and I have 11 Hope they aren't too tuff yet!
Good Morning! I am on doc orders to "take it easy" and start physical therapy in a few days. I popped my back and have pills to keep the spasms at bay. So I'm sitting here watching the rain, the movie "Wolf", my cat sleeping. Lucky my laptop is back! Yay!

The docs said DH couldn't get the HINI shot right now due to already having a cold, and wouldn't let me have either because my regular doc would have to approve as they have other ingredients I could be sensitive/allergic to- OK FINE. I'll just stock up on the behind-the-counter sudafed, fresh lemon, fresh ginger, onions and all that.
Good morning all
I am late pooping in, because I have been very busy this morning. GREAT NEWS. I am the proud mother of 6 new baby chicks.
I was attacked by a flash of Chicken Fever. I didn't know what I was doing. My fingers started to itch, my hand reached out and the next thing I knew I was driving home, happy as a lark, talking to a box of baby chicks. If that isn't Chicken Fever, What is it? I have been looking at pics of frizzle chicks and love them. However I have never seen a baby up close. ZOWIE!
They are the cutest.
I could not check myself. I got 3 that are mostly black and 3 that are a light yellow, almost white. One of the yellow could be a silky. She has a little knot of feathers on her head, feathers on her feet. No curly feathers. the others all have some curling feathers. My Word they are the cutest little things.

Hi Karl, For those girls giving you 8 eggs you could have added a little veggies with the stale buns, or some fruit would be nice.

Boy, cheers for all you DH's that help out. It does take the whole team to keep everything running. A wonderful blessing. That is what it is all about.

I do get blue sometimes, not having a mate to snuggle up to and find comfort. Now I'm getting mushy.
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