Coffee's ready...

Carole AM - I know the feeling! But this weekend I got all my potatoes and onions put away, and it felt good to be able to cross that off my list.
I came home yesterday to four eggs - I've mostly been getting two or three. My goodness, did I feel rich! I think the broody has started laying again.
Have a great day. And don't forget to vote, if your state is having elections.
Good morning all. really chilly here and this
first cup of coffee hits the right spot.
I was a little worried about my silkies and the ameraucanas
I put out last week the silkies are only 2months old
and 1month old Ameraucanas.
and the temp hit low this morning about 37
I already checked on them and the heat lamp and tarp covering
has the coop at 50 and they are doing well.
you all have a great stay and stay warm or stay cool
what ever your temps are.

Good morning chicken wranglers
I am ever so glad to see that the thread is still ticking. Kismet, Sissy, nice to hear you again.Tonopah are you out there how is the new brood? I got 9 eggs yesterday and 1 was a double yolk I ate it this morning. My wife loves her new bow!She will be a sharp shooter before long.Have a good day all.
Good morning from sunny Arizona:cool: Karl, your DW will be out shooting you before long. You better keep practicing. One of my DS is really into knife throwing. He showed his new GF how to throw. Wow, she is a natural. I am so glad they can share this hobby. Does you DW hunt? Hey, how did the quilt show/compition go? How is your dad?

I can't believe It hit 100 yesterday. Did I ever get spoiled with 80 for a high.

I have been really busy. I am still working on the pen. I have another creation going on. I found some nice sturdy interesting branches that had broken off the Iron Wood trees. This is some tough wood. I want to use them for center poles that will hold up my wire top on the pen. I have one up. I like how it looks so far. The best part is my DS can walk under it without bending over. Just in case he has to roundup a rattle snake. He wants room to move around. I can live with that. I have been putting my babies outside in the playhouse coop. I have a screen on the door way. Yesterday I added a huge wire dog crate, placed it door to door. added pine chips and a little tiny roost and a wood block at the door for a step. They were so cute. At first they were afraid. Then, "Batman, my frizzle Rooster jumped in there ran around real fast and jumped back out. he did this over and over until the others started to do the same thing. They were kicking around, having a great time jumping in and out. They had all the big kids watching them. A couple of my girls lay down next to the pen. I wonder if they are bonding?

Hi, to everyone I missed, got to get chores going. Have a great day all.
Been drinking coffee since 5am. Starting to feel like I'm swimming in it. Patti, I could send you an ice chest with some Michigan weather in it.
The high today is going to be 41.
Opa, I hope you have a boat close.
:gig KEEP that cold Mi. weather back there. Do not send ice chest.
I will try to send you some sun beams. Can't we do that yet?

I am in and out today. Gosh it is so hard playing with a bunch of baby chicks. Just takes up lots of time, watching all the funny actions. I can work on the pen while I am watching. Yes I can Muli-task:th

HI, anyone I missed this morning.
Got to grab the last cup, and get with it. Baby watching you know .LOL
Good morning all my fellow coffee or tea drinkers. its chilly here
Again, and the nights ar really cold .
so anyone with extra heat send it our way.
that means you tonoPattie.
I need all the heat I can get.
but this second cup of coffee is helping a bit.
Karl I too got 9 eggies yesterday but my ladies
seem to be slowing down.I have I think 18 ladies so
some one is taking vacation time.
Coffee is good, I have about 1/2 pot yet to go. I think I am awake. Somewhat under the weather yesterday. We have been having such crazy weather, 100 one day, 70 the next.
At least I am not freezing yet.
I wish I could share some of the warm weather. I really don't have anything to complain about.
I got my 5 eggs yesterday and only 3 the day before. Some of the girls are still laying every day and some every other day. That is OK, as I need to use the eggs I have. I scrambled a doz. for the dogs and cat yesterday. They sure love eggs. Today I will scramble a doz. for the chickens. That should help my overload.

Sip, sip, ahh, Coffee.

Everyone have a super day. Keep warm and dry.

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