Coffee's ready...

S. bird
hope you are feeling better.I too never burn leaves
I would choke on the smoke.
dig em in. dig em under
and reap the benefits.

I was too busy to get here earlier had a very long day yesterday
to have a cup of coffee
with yo'all so I hope it was great day for you.

Karl, thank you so much. We are waiting for the Dr. news
Good morniing to all the flock owners
having their first cup of a picker upper
I have so much to do, to play catch up.
or at least Iwill try ,
Iam on my 3rd.cup of coffee
and have dropped the tea for a while. not enough of a push.
to get me started.
enjoy what ever you do.
Good morning everyone.
Haven't had coffee yet, just waiting for it to brew. This is one of those dreary, cold, November days when you just want to pull the covers up over your head and stay in bed. DS and I overslept today, I usually am up by 6:00 get his breakfast ready and wake him up. Well today I slept until 6:30, talk about scrambling trying to get ready for school. Poor kid basically had time to take a shower get dressed and run out the door eating his toast as he went.

I have an injured chicken, so we have been trying to get her better. I am trying to treat her at home, I don't know what happened, she was just limping one day. We felt her leg, looked at her foot no injuries to be found. She is eating and going outside, so we hope it is going to get better on its own.

Well, gotta finish helping other DS get ready for school. Have a great day everyone. Anyone who wants can send their leaves my way, all during the fall I dump leaves in my garden. By spring I have some beautiful soil to work with.
Hey everyone, good morning. I'm doing much better today, thank you all, and I hope this is all it does. DH is coming down with similar symptoms but insisted on going to work. Still upset stomach didn't like the coffee this morning, but the solid objects are staying put, my head doesn't feel like it'll explode, and I can be in a room with light and sound without moaning. I am so glad this was short lived. *knock on wood* it doesn't come back.
Tea sounds like a great idea!
Good morning all! The Earl of Grey and I got up together and the writing bug bit!!! So now I have to go to work and leave a truly wonderful character hanging on and waiting for me to come home.
Well Howdy Ho! and all that other good stuff... lol
Sorry to hear not are all well. I've been their as of late, Not quite sure whats wrong. it's draging me down.
But I .... Woke up, Got out of Bed, Pulled a comb across my head.........
Decided I'll get Something done today if it Kills me.
Now I do not know what to DO!
Hubby and kids kept up on the house well...... (smiling)

I think I might make a huge mess and pull out my sewing .... and Get my towels made for Nov. swap ...!!! lol
if you are bored, you can come over here and drag the chicken tractor to a fresher patch of mud
It's sunny but oh so soggy! The work crew blasting in the water lines got their truck stuck in the back ditch - what they were doing there, they wouldn't say - its not their parking spot; but they won't try parking there again! I just fed the chickens and watched them chain up the one truck and work it out. Nice ruts they left me. I heard the supervisor just chew up the driver that got stuck. Since DH got stuck there before, I thought it funny. It's 6 to 24 inches of clay disguising solid granite slick rock.
Yup. I am bored outta my gourd, not getting much done between dizzy spells. Doing MUCH better today.
It's morning time! Coffee is brewed and the aroma is heavenly.
It's a bit on the cool side today.
Maybe it's time to put the Christmas lights up before it gets too cold and I'll have to freeze my a** off, to put them up.
I don't need to be turning them on yet .... but have them ready.

I had a poor little chicken drown yesterday, in a bucket of water. 4 month old black frizzled Cochin. He was so sweet.

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