Coffee's ready...

Good morning! I love the weekends! Life is a little more leisurely. I'm on my second cup - delicious.
Today I hope to finish the new coop - just have the roost to do and finish putting up some vinyl on the walls. Then I can move in my teenagers, ready to lay, that are staying at my son's. It's cold, but the sun in bright - I should get some solar heating - my coop has four big windows facing south.

Happy day, Everyone!
Good Morning, it is gloomy and going to rain here in Central Illinois. I need to clean the barn and get hay for the Alpacas, but don't know if I can beat the rain. Glad its the week-end though, even if I only work one day a week!!
Rise and shine, flocktenders,
Coffee just finished brewing. its a bit chilly here,
so my first cup is tasting
mighty delish.
Going to feed my flock and check if my coops have floated away,
enjoy your day.
Opened up the coop early this morning and they actually came outside!!!!
It's raining cats and dogs and the wind is whippin around - I thought they'd just hibernate today! Went to my barn and promptly put my hand on a big brown spider that came OUT of hiberntion.
He didn't live too long needless to say. It's about 60 here. I don't know why I did my hair since I already know it won't be a good hair day...
Good morning from Arizona,
Coffee is good. It is a little colder this am. The wet, makes it feel colder.

I moved Louie-Lu-Li into the house last night. The Little Sultan has no one to cuddle with so he can't stay warm. They can't take cold very well. Anyhow, he was shivering, I was going to hook up the heat light for him. I changed my mind, as it was easer to bring a cage in. He is a really good boy in the house. My dogs and cat have all been around him, so they don't bother him, just look at him and walk on by. Archie, my cat will lay down beside the cage. Louie, seems not to mind. I have a nice large Parrot cage. it has a bottom and sets on a frame with wheels. I will bring that bad boy in the house and set him up in it. He is just a teen ager, so he is only half grown and should do well living in it. I have a roost bar that came with the cage. There are shelves that hook on the sides of the cage. some have a hole in one end that food and water dishes fit in it. It is quite the cage. I bought 3 Large different shape cages that all had the bottoms that set in medal frames that have wheels, at a yard sell for $20.00, for all 3. I could not pass up the deal. I'm so glad that i have them.

I'm off to watch one of the crates getting moved over to my DS2 house. Have a great day all.

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