Coffee's ready...

It's Saturday!

I don't have to get up at four even though I awake at that hour by habit. It is one of the simple pleasures of life to crawl back under warm covers (it's two degrees below zero according to the thermometer) and nurture oneself with a hot cup of freshly brewed coffee. Today it tastes especially delicious.

I have oatmeal cooking on the woodstove for my chickens - I always feel so sorry for them when it is this cold. Last night I vasalined anyone with a single comb whom I could catch. I gave them new shavings to snuggle in - nobody snuggles - they all roost - but just in case. Sometimes I amaze myself - I like to think I am pretty practical when it comes to caring for livestock, but when the weather turns nasty, I personify them and start treating them as though they were people.

Stay warm, you Northerners. Southerners, we are envious!
Greetings, Boston. I'm off to get a second cup.

Today, I think I'll assemble my grow light system for starting seedlings (homemade out of pvc pipe) - seems like a good thing to do on a cold day. Maybe I'll get the begonias started. It's a little early for vegetables. I can feel cabin fever setting in.
Good morning all you flock tenders
Hey Karl, good to see you back..
I havent had my coffee yet
but its brewing..I was out yesterday getting my
flock ready and warm for the snow fall and we sure did get it .
At four in the after noon it came down faster then I
could get moreshavings into the coops.
even set up the heat lamps, its to go to 12 later today,
Scoo-p Thanks, that goes for you too Anytime.
cant go anywhere with 3 cats and a too many chix opps did
I say too many. Neverrrr...
Well all you Bycrs that spent time in wisconsin Dells,
it seems I brought back good memories,
gaeamama.. yes the boat rides I remember, I too grew up
in Illinois. you'all stay warm and Im going for that
fresh brewed coffee.
It seems there was a 25 mile wide band of snow hitting souther Illinois last night. We are in the middle of course. It looks like way more then 6". Maybe the snow plows might remember our road this time. Power is on....
Coffee is good. Not sure how bad Cape MO and Paducah KY were hit.
Good morning everyone...
Cold here again in Worcester area 1 degree with -18 wind chill. It will warm up to about 18 today though. When I went out to give the chickens water, the old water was a solid block of ice. They don't seem to mind the cold though, they ran outside as soon as I opened the door. Yesterday was a different story though, with the wind howling and throwing snow everywhere they just stayed inside warm and dry.
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