Coffee's ready...

Good morning all:caf on my
2nd. cup. and enjoying it since my out side chores are done
until 4 this after noon..... yesterday
my flock danced in the snow now they are

tip-toeing in the rain, Had to get out there early to
add extra shaving to their coop its 28 here and a slight
drizzle but all seem happy, got 11 eggs from 13 ladies
but my other ladies 6 of them seem to really be on strike,
havent had breakfast from them in a month
Good morning chicken wranglers
I cant believe I ate the hole thing! "Farrier that is what I think your young charge will be saying after he discovers how to eat the chicken leg.Hard to believe it is late winter in ohio , when I think about it it I should be clearing some of my property in about 2 weeks. It is always easier to clear when the weeds arent as high. But it is still hard to keep ahead of the growth when your place is not your only form of work. Well good luck to me and you!
Hi everyone. I'm drumming my fingers today waiting for one more precious green egg from our EE. Then I am ready to put them under Jenny Java. I never see her out of the nesting box any more. In fact, when I checked to make sure she only had 2 eggs under her yet I discovered a RIR egg under her. How that hen ever found time to do that is beyond me!
Yesterday I was in there cleaning poop out and it was just me and her and her serogate helper, Bluebell, in there. Well, Jenny was asleep the whole time I was doin my thing. Her head was tucked in her side, she almost looked dead! She was checking me out this morning then put her head down again. So I guess I won't force her out of her box too often.

Farrier - it's all junk in our foods today. Fat, sugar, salt, fillers. The book I just finished reading, Fast Food Nation, makes basically ONE conclusion. There is S--- in our meat. And it's true! The production lines are sped up so fast no human could ever keep up. And since when should cows be eating poultry poop and meat from animals? They are grass eaters. I could go on and on but I guess that should be on your other thread.

Anyway,... one more egg, one more egg...
Good morning chicken wranglers
I opened the coop today! hope the girls can get out and escape the advances of the roos for a while today. They are looking pretty ragged after a couple of months being shut up in the coop and no where to run, The poor girls did not even try to get out when I opened the run door.They must be in shock, cabin fever or whatever.Today the weather is sunny and 30's that is nice for a change I may go out and sun myself in a T shirt. have a great day and god bless!
Good morning, fellow chicken addicts!
It's beautiful and sunny here today. It snowed yesterday, but only a couple of inches. Winter has been REALLY mild for us. My coop door has stayed open more than shut this year!

Scoop: keeping my fingers crossed for another egg!
I caught the hatching bug last week and set 47 eggs from my own birds.
Time to check fertility and viability!

Karl: You might not get your flock back to the coop once they get outside in the sunshine!
You may indeed be a chicken wrangler at dusk tonight!

jaboo: Even on the dreariest days, a positive outlook can bring a smile to anyone's face.

Have a great day, everyone!
Live like it's your last day
, love like there's no tomorrow
, and laugh until you bust a seam
Morning coffee and chicken lovers. I'm still waiting on that one precious green egg!

Shelley I think that's an interesting observation. It's true. I have to greet people as part of my job and smile often. (NO I do NOT work at Wally World!!
) I have noticed that some people look grumpy before I greet them but seem to brighten up after I flash my million dollar smile
(not really). It works wonders on dreary days. Wow, 47 eggs
You've got lots of reasons to be happy!

See ya later everyone!
good morning choicken wranglers
Got the flock back in Ok last night.I am going to recount the number of chickens I have because I got 32 eggs yesterday, the girls must have been happy to get away from the guys for a while.My indonesian coffe was good but now I must drink foldgers since that is all we have at work.I must go to the sale barn tomorrow for a new stear to feed out I dont want to leave the cow without a buddy and it is time to butcher.
Good morning BYCers! Beautiful and sunny here, for now. Winter storm warning for tomorrow and Saturday. Ugh... I'm SO ready for spring! We got a Royal Palm tom for our two RP hens yesterday, and I really wish I had filmed the introduction! Lot's of great posturing and displaying, and the occasional butt peck. Everyone was all chummy when we closed them in for the night.

Karl E Lutz - I'll be getting a couple of steers soon, also. I'll probably be getting bottle calves from the local dairy, though.

Scoop - Keep on smiling!
Good morning all you flock tenders
Coffee tasting great. but weather is the same ol stuff raining today
and snow is to be here this week end and Iwas hoping my silkies
and ameraucans start to give me some gifts.
but they just may hold off with this weather.
Scoop have you gotten your egg yet.. .
hum so your the one thats
always smiling. I thought I recognised you..

you'all make it a good day
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