Coffee's ready...

Good morning, flock tender. saddle up to the coffee bar

Iam enjoying my 2nd. cup.have been busy the past few days no rain and
only a lite dusting of snow that was gone in a minute.rewired 2 of the
coops lost a 4 roos that were free ranging. to some critters. feathers all over the place.
but my hens were safe and the few that had not been doing their job, got back to business

got so many eggs sold 7 doz 3.00 a doz...
Now thats a good thing.

Scoop sorry about all the snow, we have had our share and rain too.
Iam still wading thru mud certain spots.
Inow am wating for my ameraucans, silkies and the ameraucanas to lay
out their gifts to me. .
enjoy the coffee ........... its on me today
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Morning all. Thanks for picking up the coffe tab Sissy. Somehow the coffe tastes better now!

I wish I could get my eggs signs back up but no one would come down this driveway with all the snow. So the cats are continuing to balloon out from all the eggs, their coats are shiny, too. Well, we welcomed the first arrival in the coop yesterday early evening. It's a Dominique hen!!! We have already named her Blizzard!
Still snowing here right now and I guess I won't be going for much o f a Sunday walk today. It's hard to walk with the snow so deep. I hope spring comes early this year. The poor girls really do want to come out but don't like the snow so they just look out the pop door! I might let them out on the paths that we shoveled so they can stretch their little leggies. Have a good Sunday everyone.
Good morning everyone. It seems that the weather is getting better, but now it is mud season! The driveway is a mess and the land is soggy and puddles everywhere. Oh well the kids love it, all the better to get really muddy. Time for lots of coffee.
Good morning chicken wranglers
I must concure with the general consensis that the weather is improving ,38 is much better than - anything and the daylight is lasting longer. The hens are much worse for the wear and tear. Remind me to build a bachelor pad for the roos and control their visits with the hens. They have pecked the hens until they appear as if molting.Now that I can open up the coop every day at least the poor dears can escape the less than amorous advances"attacks" of the mean and nasty old roos.
Good Morning... just had the first sip, just brewed Coffee,
Howdy! from Arizona. I think this storm is out of here. The sun is out. The desert is green and the bushes are sparkling.
My chickens are loving it. The frizzles are so cute to watch. When I call TEE- WEE- DEE! The little flock comes a running. If I call, GIRLS! the big girls and Willy Boy come running. They hang out in the same area for a bit, then each flock splits up and goes to a different place. They range all around the property. I have both flocks using the same gate to go in and out of their respective coop, roost area. That is working out quite well. I just have to dig up some metal I buried around one side of the pen. Finish digging out a creosote bush. Do some leveling get the rock in. Then i can work on the crate coop.
I have 4 boxes of peel off stick down tile, that i am thinking about using on the floor. I also have several gallons of paint. I need to see if it is what i need to use for easy clean up.
I want to make two sections, separated by a screen door. A window in each section, That will prop open and be screened. Several Vents. A door way for the chickens to come and go , in each section. Roosts,with poop trays. I think I will have 2 nest boxes in each.

Got to go for now Outside is calling my name. It is wonderful out there today. I don't want to miss what God has giving me today.

Everyone have a great Monday. stay warm and dry, keep your flocks tended, thank them for breakfast. Have another cup of coffee. Hug your family and tell them you love them each day. It is worth millions!
Good morning all you Flock tenders, shake your
booty to the coffee bar and enjoy.
scoo-p I thought if I was buying you would enjoy the coffee much more,

next time I'll bake a cake hummm, now thats an idea..

.maybe its pound cake day..
with blueberries ..and whip cream
Tono- send some of that weather this way.. we are expecting some snow...
when will it stop...
what is a creosote bush..

mamagardner all we need here is a few ducks.they would really have a good time.

I did a few more things yesterday while the sun peeked out a bit.
split more coops into two more room for
dh maybe
you'all enjoy your day..
Good morning chicken wranglers
Sissy did I ever tell you I lived in Knoxville back in the 80's. I actually lived in the koa"in a tent" outside of concord and worked in Oakridge at one of the tool shops there. I remeber how the dogwoods bloomed in the springand how warm it was in march, as compared to my native state of Il. East Tennessee is a beautiful area.
I am drinking foldgers this morning. Life is good. Freezin in Il.isn't so bad if ya got a good cup of coffee
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I lived in Knoxville in the 70's .. I would move back in a heartbeat .. it is beautiful in that area ...
A quick hello to everyone. I'm drinking Maxwell House I think. Only 1 chickie hatched out of our 12. I have to toss the others today and get Blizzard eating and drinking. Ugh! If only I didn't have a gabillion things to do. I need another me today!
Sends good vibes to Blizzard please! I don't know what more to do for her. I will be moving her and mom to floor later on so they will be closer to food and water. I'll try to get a pict of her, too. She hides well in mom's wing!
It's Maxwell House for me this morning!

I'm happy to have today off from work, which lately means two things:

1) I will be on BYC for far longer than I should be
2) I will be out in the coop for far longer than I normally am.

When will I get motivated to do my housework?

But I am thankful for such a tolerant hubby!

Have a good day everyone!!!

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