Coffee's ready...

Good Morning from Arizona
Just enjoying my first cup! Woops, I need a refill, be right back. Ahhhhhhhh, that is what I'm talking about.
Update.....Louie-Lu-Li, my Sultan rooster. is still with the flock, and proven that he will not be bullied around anymore. It is interesting to watch pecking order come together within the two different flocks. The Frizzle flock that Louie was raised with have accepted him back, and have not, tried to peck at his feet. I was worried about that. Each day that Louie is out free ranging, he gains more strut to his walk and his chest has really popped out. He is taking care of the girls right along with Bat Man. The conflict between those two has been resolved. They now work as a team with their girls. Louie guards the white hens and Bat Man guards the black hens. They both guard the flock. So Cute to watch.

That is how it should be!

Pringle, do you make your own syrup? I love Maple Syrup!
This is actually my first year making it,I love the taste of actuall real maple syrup but its like $30 for a decent sized bottle around here,so I decided this year im going to make my own.
I wish I had enough maple trees to make my own. That would be so worth the extra work. Unfortunately I have to pay the high prices, we just have to learn not to use too much. So weird because I remember maple syrup used to be so inexpensive when I was younger.

Just had my cup, now I am ready for the beautiful day we are going to have today. Around 50 again, too bad with the rise in temperatures the melting snow turns my yard and dirt driveway to mud.
Good morning you flock Tenders,
Igot an early start for the feed and watering. but late
start to get the Brew going.. so here I sit wating for that fine aroma
to fill the air.

Kens 147... 2 dogs,5 cats,etc..
All you need now is a flock of chix, ducks. or what ever pleases you.

Tono ...lovin the coffee drinker,Well Im having my first cup

and that makes me a happy camper or should I say
a happy flock tender.
Scoop.. good to hear Blizzard is doing well maybe
you should re-name the little darling the Lone ranger
the sun came out and I hope it stays to dry up my mud holes
yes they are here they seem to never go away and we are expecting rain again .
I hope you'all have a wonderful dry day.
Sissy, I like that name! When we named her we thought there would be others. What a survivor she is. She finally learned to eat on her own instead of waiting for a hand to appear. Did you say rain? I guess we're getting that later in the week. Should be sunny and 55 again today!
It is slick out by the muddy coops. I gotta get more straw put down before I lose some teeth!

Pringle, I am making maple syrup, too. I love how the house smells when it's getting cooked down. I'll probably do just 4 or 5 pints. I still have jars from other years that I need to use up. I use it in my sticky buns sometimes. Man, I'm getting hungry just talking about it. DD wants to try Birch syrup that she read about. You do that one month after you start Maple. I tried Birch tea this winter using the bark and it was good.
Who would've thunk it?

Enjoy your chickies everyone!
Good morning chicken wranglers
I am glad to see the thread thriving again! Tono ,Scoop,Sissy, Mama, Sounds like ya'll are thriving also. Been like spring and full of mud all week end. I have finallly gotten my old house on the market after a year and a half! Talk about procrastination. We drove the tractor 9 miles into town so I could scrape all the sand up from the pool that is no longer there, now all that is left is sellling the place and with todays market I may be waiting for another year and a half.
Pringle, my daughter belongs to ecology club and lassoed me into buying 3 sugar maples for our property . Is that enough trees for a bottle or 2 a year?
Good morning from Rainy Arizona. It is a good thing that I have my coffee.

I did a quick run out side and let my chickens all out of the pen. The pens are soaked. The sun would come out for a few min. and the chickens would all come out, peck around until it would start to rain. They would all head for cover. That went on all day. Today the storm is supposed to head out of here. I sure hope so. I have not been able to do any work on moving the new coop/ crate. I have to wait to level the ground and get the rock in place.

Looks like everyone is mud bogging across the country.

Karl, are you selling the place that you are living in at this time? Did you have to fill in the old pool area?
I guess not as you did drive the tractor 9 miles into town.

I did that one time. I dove to the groc. store. It took me forever as I had to go along the side of the road.LOL! I forgot about that. I laugh about it today.
I also rode my horse to the groc store a couple of times. My car was broke! When you have to feed your kids you will walk if you have to.

I have to go for a refill
Now I'm good.

Boy , another earth quake this morning. This one happened in Turkey!
Good morning all, Having the first cup of DD brew ,
so the coffee bar is opened ,sit a spell and relax

before , we all have to get to the chores
its going to be in the 60s today so I will be doing what has to be done
these mud holes dont want to dry up..
I hope todays the day.
I woke up to 5roos crowing ohoh I have finally found out
what my new silkies are..2 more roos for the pet brigade..
I hope peaches is a hen she/he is so sweet . but one roo is
is trying to be head honcho. and take my job.
I fooled him and let him know, times are tough
and no one takes anothers employment

I think he now knows whos in charge..

so far 2silkie roos one black, one white now
Ihave to see what the other4 will be .
Hens please....
you'all enjoy your day ..
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