Coffee's ready...

Rainy today, highs near 70. Will be in a recertification class all day beginning at 8:30. Hopefully the class ends early and the rain is not bad later. There is a wooden spool in a railroad yard full of bees waiting for me to relocate them. Was going to do it yesterday evening but rain set in. Our bees are about two weeks behind where they normally would be due to an unusually cold winter.

Ohoooo I too would like to get a maple tree or trees.
Karl ,whatever you find out let me know..

JP33 we too are to get rain just heard the weather.
and I thought the mud would be
leaving us...
Good morning chicken wranglers
I too must endure the interminable inclement ambient conditions of the subsequent seasonal transition.Oh how I yearn for more stable, less trying atmospheric constraints.
The ebbing of the clouds and the exposure of the sun would indeed be welcome.The dreary drizzle infects my soul, drowning the slalwart bullwork of chear within my heart.
Alas that I should dwell within this dungeon that is enslaving the enclave of my spirit.Arise I say. Lay low the clamor that portends such dark demeanor and show forth the rays of your chear.
Good morning, everyone!

Karl, I'm a country girl from Tennessee, so I didn't understand a word you just said.
Good morning everyone gathering around the coffee bar.
Cup in hand, type with one finger!

It is cloudy, overcast and foggy this morning. Looks like I will get more rain today. It should clear out of here next week and get back into the 70's. I am ready. I'm such a desert rat. I need the heat and sunshine.

Karl, I hope the sunshine I sent you put a smile on your face.

Karl have another cup of coffee and translate please.

I may need to haul out the boat and put her on stand by.
What light from yonder window breaks. It is the sweat searing of dawns rosey fingers as she rides forth awakening spring with the herald of her emminant beauty.At last my being does tremble with anticipation of finer things to come. Show forth your grace and resurrect the the sleeping mirth that lies there in. Sure is nice out doncha think! jewillickers I cain't remember the last time I felt this good about just see in the sun. God bless have a great day.
Good morning chigken wranglers
Rain rain go away. come back another day. Ishould applaude the fact that it isn't snow. Also it is about 50. Pretty balmy outside actually.
Gotta go climb another elevator. ya'll have a great day!
Good Morning slipping up to the coffee bar again. I have already drained a pot!


I do have some sun out now. I need to beat feet and get into town. 60 mile round trip. I will be gone all day Bummer!

Hope everyone has a super day! Adios.

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