Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wranglers
drank enough coffee myself for a team this morning.Go team go. My wife has me on the torture diet. Get up at four I ride the exercise bike 20 mins she tread mills In the evening I tread milll she rides the bike. $% days already and Im down to 202 from 198, oh well maybe if I stop sneaking the extra beers.
Good morning flock tenders yes the coffee bar is opened

Im on my 2nd. cup. and its delish.. with nice whipped cream cheese on toast.

but where is everyone, tono-- your probably already on your 60 mile trip.
Iwould have joined you if I lived closer.Now that
Dh is feeling better and can be on his own.
Im as free as the wind. but too much to get done around here.

when I think about it.
thinking of splitting another coop in two. dont have room to add on..
But we are to get rain for the next few days..will it ever stop...
I need a boat, I am still trying to get the mud holes worked out..
Enjoy what ever you do.
Good morning Yes indeed, coffee is just right this morning.
I have sunshine today but the wind just doesn't want to stop! All of my chickens are looking like Frizzles and The Frizzles are getting their feathers straightened out.

I can't dig in dirt in this wind!

I made it back from town without a problem. The good part was driving my new car. I can load and unload 50lb bags of chicken and dog food so much easier. It is like a car/ truck. it is the Honda Fit, and it really is a fit for me. I traded my Honda Civic for it. I loved the Civic it was a zippy car. i had a 5 speed manual shift. The fit gets the same gas mileage. and is automatic shift. I keep wanting to shift. I'm pleased with it so far.

Are all you guys from back east still getting pounded? Holy cow, tornadoes, and all kinds of nasty weather?

Have a great day everyone! I need another cup of coffee.
Good Morning! That first cup is beginning to take effect - I have had such trouble dragging myself out of bed this week! It's been beautiful, too, although I have to spend the weekdays inside. The weekend promises to be rainy - well, it will be a good time to do taxes which I still haven't finished. I hate to work on paperwork when it is sunny outside. But it is bad to procrastinate on taxes, makes April 15 a very stressful day.

I have not been getting as many eggs as I was. I did move everyone into the new coop and that change might take time to get used to. And then I discovered that two Ameracaunas hens I had were really Henrys, so that lowered the ratio. But still, I'm only getting 4-5 eggs with 15 girls. I've been lecturing the hens, but so far it hasn't worked. I've got people at work clamoring for fresh eggs, and I can't keep up.

It's Friday! Have a wonderful day and enjoy the weekend (even if it does rain - at least it is not snow!).
Well, a nice big fat cup of smokin' hot coffee does sound really good at the moment but I've been up since 3am and am contemplating going back to sleep for a few hours. Had a long day yesterday and today promises to be the same unless it stays rainy, raining pretty good right now!

My chickens haven't been laying as many eggs the last 5 days or so either. It must be the moon or the warmer weather we're having, don't know for sure, oh well.

Everyone have a great day!

Good morning everyone,

The coffee is almost ready. This morning when the alarm went off, I thought it was Sunday morning and almost went back to sleep. Good thing I realized it was only Friday or this morning would have been very hectic! The weather is not going to be very nice today, only about 40 and rainy. That is the prediction for the whole weekend. Unfortunately the weather people are only wrong when they predict sun. When the predict rain they are usually right!
Good Morning! Really getting into my Coffee this Morning!

I hope I don't get the wind again today. I should have Sunshine. The weather here is like wait and see as it can change fast. I am surrounded by Mountains. I can watch the direction the storm is coming from.
something to see,is a huge dust storm come rolling your way! They scare me. You really need to take cover. If your driving, pull off the road as far as possible, and don't step on the brakes. Turn off all lights.

I have taken lots of photos of storms coming and going in the desert. I keep saying I have enough and then a sight that makes you grab the camera pops up! What else can you do but click away. I did find the Delete Button.

Happy Friday everyone.
Good morning all had a bad day yesterday,
to much rain and runs runnith over.
weather permittinga lot of work needs
to get done,
Iam enjoying my last cup before
I check again how muddy flats is doing.
Have a great week end.
Sissy - I love your little note at the end of your messages: Heaven can wait . . . Living in Paradise.
That's the way I feel, too, and it is a reminder to live in the present and enjoy every moment.

It's rainy and a little raw today. Good day to finish taxes.
I'm going contra dancing tonight to reward myself, when I get them finished.

Have a wonderful Saturday, my chicken friends!

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