Coffee's ready...

Just dropped in to say Howdy, and have the last cup of coffee. Got to go into town today. 35 miles one way

Hope everyone has a super day.
morning all!! im so glad its thursday!!! i only have the grounds for one more pot of coffee!! YIKES!!! ill get a fresh can tomorrow tho!!

today its supposed to be 92 but tomorrow its supposed to be only in the 70s GAH gotta love idaho weather

a week from tomorrow and we will have over 3/4 of our mini herd at the Eastern IDaho State Fair. omg im so excited and nervous at the same time!!
Have actually got my coffee next to me, milk and two sugars for me

Im searching on ebay for some golden brahma hatching egg, if i dont find them, 2 light sussex eggs it is
Here she is the new queen of my heart


born late last night around 12pm and boy am I tired as is everyone except the Queen. She was looking and talking right from the get go. Lord have mercy! She may be like her grammpa and aunt Kate.

Take care folks and have a nice day.

Love ya all (hey, what can I say I'm in a good mood.

Rancher - real good news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big hugs for your Dd
Oesdog -
You know we need more details weight etc - and a pic of grand dad!
Rancher - I love the picture! Congratulations! There just isn't anything quite like the promise of a new life! Enjoy every wonderful moment!
Morning People,

First and foremost, Congratulation Rancher.

Coffee's hot and strong this morning.

Weather: a gorgeous day, mid 70's and clear.

The last crop of beans for us are flowering. The garden is starting to get that dishevel look towards the end of the growing season. I have to order up some snap peas to finish off the season. The beginning of the year was awful dry here.

Supper. BBQ Chuck Steak, string beans, pasta, fruit.

8 days till vacation -

Take care and enjoy

quercus21 - - 8 days til vacation - - - Is that when the little ones go back to school ? ? ?

I am picking up a couple of chicks from a LOCAL BYC member today. YIPEE ! I don't NEED any new chicks, but I had my 1st time broody hen kill two of the clutch when they were hatching. She only had one chick survive her hatching. Unlike Oshedog, my hen doesn't want to do the mommy thing any longer. So, I've needed to locate some age appropriate friends for her.

I have Apple French Toast baking in the oven now.

We have had so much rain this week, I think I might need to re-seed my garden.

I working on building a "pig proof" area for my chickens to get some feed when they are in the pigs' pen. It is much larger than the chickens coop. We call it the girls trip to the "PARK" when I escourt them there in the mornings. The pigs' pen is around 100 ft x 80 ft. and it holds two pot belly pigs. Then in the evening I escourt the chickens back to the coop / run a 16 ft x 12 ft area.

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