Coffee's ready...

My coffee is just plain old Maxwell house but it is great with some french vanilla cream. It rained here most of the day yesterday and also most of the night. 1.25 inches. according to the weather man.
It is very messy outside. Getting kids on bus and then off to the store to replace what we are out of. It seems like the older the kids get the more of everything we need. But they are growing so fast. I am hopeing to get some outside work done if I dont sink in all the mud. If not there is plenty to do inside.
I hope everyone has a wonderfu day!!!
We are in the upper 80's with rain today - - - Way too hot for sweats.

I reseeded my garden yesterday. I am having a horrid time with germination. I even resorted to the old faithful peat pots without much success.

BUSY BUSY day yesterday. I wonder if I am ever going to get caught up on all the chores / tasks that I stock piled over tha last few years of employment as a Public school teacher

Never realized until this year - - - How much I denied my family in order to do my job. NOT Going to happen anymore, that is for sure!

Everyone take care and have a WONDERFUL DAY !
Good morning, chicken wranglers! Yes, if I could share some of this sun and heat with you two across the pond, I would. I can't wait till it cools off just a bit more. At least it has rained two nights in a row, so my garden is doing well.
I'm sleepy this morning, and didn't bring enough coffee. Maybe I'll see if there is some in the staff lounge. My son wanted to do everything himself this morning, and was quite a pill getting ready for school. I know he has to practice things, but I just didn't have 10 minutes to spend waiting for him to try and put his own socks on.
Poor kid. I pretty much dragged him out of the house screeming about not getting to turn the lights off himself, after he stood there and stared at me for two minutes when I asked him to turn them off. "No, Mommy, No! I wanna do it mysewf!"

Broody is still going strong. What do I count as day number one? The day I put the eggs under her (Saturday afternoon), or the first full day she had them (Sunday)?

Well, gotta find some more coffee if I'm going to get some paperwork done. Have a good one!
It really doesn't matter - - - AROUND DAY 21 - -LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN for the piping. It may come a few days early and it may come a few days later. . . . In my case, one egg hatched, the next day another hatched, the next day NOTHING, the day after that another hatched, and the LAST egg NEVER HATCHED.

Mother Nature has control - - - the 21 day is a general guideline ! I am getting excited for you - -
Wonder if I could get it moved closer to the US and all that Sun they keep COMPLAINING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!! ep

Oesdog - lol

I know I wish they would stop complaining about the heat lol!!

Maybe its Ireland thats giving us the cold, although I doubt it really Scotland is normally freezing!!
I hope your wee grand-daughter is ok with her rash!

chics in the sun - good luck with your eggs, look forward to hearing good news!!

I am off now to help my friend (who has a guinea pig rescue) try to sex her silkies!!!!​
Do you want me to let you know when a piece of property becomes available in my neck of the woods ? ? ?

Chicks is on the other side of Florida towards the middle of the state. Her winter will be a little milder than mine. I am in the North and on the East side of Florida.
Good morning from sunny Arizona, I am enjoying my coffee, it is Fry's breakfast blend, I really like it. I just drink it black.

We are getting some cool morning temps. 60's then by noon it is 100 or more. I am ready for winter. I am growing tired of summer. I would like to spend more time outside.
My chickens come out to free range early morning, then they go back into the pen, so much cooler in there. They come out about an hour in the evening, and then put their self to bed. I don't close them up any more as I have a great guard dog, and he takes watching his chickens and the yard very seriously. If he barks at something they all head for the pen. I love watching how they respond to whats going on.

Have a great day everyone and keep warm coffee drinkers.
Do you want me to let you know when a piece of property becomes available in my neck of the woods ? ? ?

Chicks is on the other side of Florida towards the middle of the state. Her winter will be a little milder than mine. I am in the North and on the East side of Florida.

Well you could let me know but I don;t think I could leave Jessica - ???? I guess it wont do any good at all!!!!!!
We were in Florida one time years ago 1997 we brought the kids and did the Disney, MGM, Universal all of that stuff. Then down the Mexican gulf coast. It was fantastic. We always said we would come back but sadly haven;t yet. (Sure we get to watch CSI Miami! - lol
) Have to say the funny thing about being in Florida last time was when we were driving back to the airport and Twister the Movie had come out about that time, - well it was !!!!!! I mean vertical rain, hail the works. Folk were pulling up under bridges etc. I can tell you it was scary and then - Our wee daughter decided she needed to pee and nothing would change that so we had to pull over under a bridge on the highway in the middle of this wild twister with black sky and vertical rain expecting a cow to fly past any second just so little Dotty could take a pee and a poo and anything else she could think about to wast time!!! - We were never so glad to get her back in the car and get to the airport which was bathed in sunshine. I can tell you I was not happy with the thought of getting on a plane in that weather. We still laugh at her even now she is a mother herself for peeing in a darn Twister. We got home to find it had come through and hit an airport and turned a load of light aircraft over and all sorts. - well was thinking about that property - and I think you just better send us some sunshine!!! Maybe we will get back over one day and it would be great to see you all if only it were possible?????

It is Freezing here today and I am thinking time to light the pot belly and put on the thermals!!! I haven't even taken Jessica's coat off!!!!
Tartannik - Yeah you do have cold winters there - Dhs sister lives way up near Frazerbrough - Peterhead. I don't envy you one bit. I hate the cold sooooooooo much!!!! We were there in July last year and honestly it was soooooooo cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This last Winter they had to dig the car out and the snow was well up the front door and to the top of the windows. NOT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!

Better away and do something as I have either drank coffee, eaten and slept all day long???

Oesdog - Sunny Arizona - Your just rubbing it in now arn't you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Good morning chicken wranglers
I got new boots today.Yeehah do they hurt my feet. It is sunny here but nice and cool, abot 70.The weatherman predicts a low of 38 and a high of 58 for sunday.
Archery opens friday "for deer" cannot wait !
The mighty hunting spirit must dwell within my heart for three months.I have to finish the new coop or my chicks will freeze to death so how do I reconcile carpentry to hunting?
Good morning all you flock tenders it looks like some of you are freezing
and then there are those of us that have sunshine , it is about 65 and a really fresh air day.
airing the blankets on the clothes line humm while I fed and watered the flock.
had to have my mud boots on.
Dh had a hard time last night.awful pain has
eye infection for 3 months had to be put on predisone tablets
we hope it works. Rained the last 3 days and night
silkies are muddyed up spoiled to get into the coop from their run.

they just danced in the rain
tono.... what a lifesaver or should I say chicken saver.having a dog who takes care of business..
glad your here.
Karl have one of the kids walk in your boots they will break them in

or at less soften them up.
oesdog that tiny one 6 weeks already where did the time go.
I have been busy taking DH to Dr. He too has heart issue hasnt walked in a year.
nor can he drive.
also nerves in his back gone haywire .
so there are many times
Iam not able to get here to the coffee bar. sorry folks you know priorities.
but I sure hope you all have a good hot cupfull and a greatday.

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