Coffee's ready...

Yeah I know but we didn;t really have much choice. The old fire was great but it kept back drafting the way the wind blows here. We ended up with lots of dust and soot and that wasn;t so good on the lungs as I have asthma. It wasn;t that good on the TV etc as well. I miss it but it I guess was for the best. Also we have had a few animals stuck in the chimeny lately and one poor bird died a terrible death because we couldn;t get her out in time. I also got the Bat come down it recently and then I had to bring it up and release it so the fire was getting more bother than worth. I don't think DH likes the gas one now though as he keeps asking me what I think? I think maybe we should have gotten a better wood burner!


They have chimney caps that will rotate to point away from the wind which will improve your up draft. some even have screening to prevent birds from entering.

To be honest I think DH just wanted a cleaner form of heating for that room and not to have to go get logs etc in the cold. I guess its ok for the front room as we only use it when we have folk over or weekends. We usually crash in the snug.

Oesdog - thanks
Rancher Hicks

sorry so long to reply but had to do some hunting in my DMIL's recipe boxes that DFIL really messed up since she died. We always knew this as "Hump Back Apple Pie" because of the look of the halved apples. The last time I made it I quartered some apples to help fill it out and added some small pearl tapioca to soak up the extra juicyness.

Penn Dutch Apple Tart
1 pastry crust
5 apples or more (cut in halves)
1 tablespoon flour (heaping) -
1 cup sugar
¼ cup brown sugar
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoons butter
Line 9 inch pan with pastry. Sprinkle flour and ¼ cup sugar on bottom. Place apple halves in pie cut side down. Cover with rest of sugar, brown sugar, spices, and dot with butter. Bake at 350 for 45 min to one hour till apples are tender and a syrup forms.
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Morning people,
Looks like it stopped raining, but it is dark out there......

Has anyone made the filling for a apple pie, then froze it? I was thinking of trying it. I guess when you are ready for a pie, you just make the crust and add the thawed filling.

Math ace: I hope you are getting better and relaxing some. Those tornadoes didn't add insult to injury to you?

Chicks in the sun: you survive those tornadoes?

Back into the shop this morning, helping out grandmother inlaw.

Enjoy the day
Morning A'll
enjoying a nice hot cup of coffee,
cold here, very windy, and wet ughhh
Making dump cake today, mummy costume for grand kid
will rolled TP all around him
its quick and very little cost

Trying to make it a good day
but the chill is getting to me when will the sun come out
I think that bad weather was further south, closer to chicks in the sun.

It is official - -One ear infection ... so antibiotics and antihistamines and other meds.
It was so strange. No cold to start it all. It started with my seasonal allergies running rhampant last week and all those sinus issues led to the ear infection.

BURR, it is cold here today. High in the 60's. So, it won't be hard to just stay in the house and try to stay warm today!
You can freeze stewed apple pie filling. Thing is it tends to discolour and then you have to make sure your pie case is baked right or it will go soggy. Blind bake the pie case then put filling in and then cap the top brush with egg and bake until the top is golden brown and dust with sugar.

I am going to try again to make pumpkin pie??????? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh In Florida we had it and it was massive mine looks usually very different and not half as deep? Will try again though as no matter it always tastes well with coffee!

For those of you who have contacted me wanting to know what a snug is.
It is a smaller warm quiet room usually with a woodburner used more for family than guests. Crash - means just relax and chill out.

Oesdog - sorry!!!!!
For those of you who have contacted me wanting to know what a snug is.
It is a smaller warm quiet room usually with a woodburner used more for family than guests. Crash - means just relax and chill out.

Oesdog - sorry!!!!!

I want a snug! Our house has an "open" floor plan - not totally, thank goodness, but enough that it would be hard to block off areas for heat retention by the fireplace if necessary. Luckily, we don't get too cold here.

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