Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wranglers,
Had a hard time finding all this stuff on the new sight but I'm sure we will all get acclamated to the confusion before too long.
To Quote an old rooster"who ever he may be"change is hard.I hope we can all meet here as often as we did in the old days of the thread and progress through time"we oldsters have a rough tome of it with all these modern things".It has been a long week for me and I still must work through the weekend again as usual.I hope ya'll get to relax and enjoy life,take it easy for me if you can.Now I must go back to work,glad I found my way home.
God Bless!
Ahhhhhhhhhh Karl good to see you back you old rooster!!!!!!!!! The hen house wouldn't be the same without you!!!!!!!!

Wish I could get you a large coffee!!!!!!!! And a bun!!!!!!! Good you found your way home to the coffee shop
We have to find sissy!!!!!!! She is missing!!!!!!!!!
Ok Sent Sissy a PM hope she finds her way home to the flock its getting a long time now and the strays need to be rounded up before the preditors have a party! Who else is missing Math ace??????????? Ok guys going out to find her!!!!! - ok she has not been on the new site so I sent a PM and hope she gets the message and we can direct her in!!!!!!! Ok so the landing zone is a bit different and we need to be mindful of those who are not in the coop yet! Can we all make a real effort to contact folk who are still missing and can;t find their way back????????
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Hay guys can we go back throu this thread and check to see who has made it back and who has not. - Older hens and roos may have trouble getting their heads round the new site and we all need to be minful off the missing. Can we all make a special effort to go through and contact those folk who have not posted since the change and offer help to find their way back thanx!

Morning People,
Welcome back Karl.
Rain has stopped here, and the temps have dropped. Chickens are starting to lay again. I never got around to feeding them the red peppers, just mentioned it to them. Spring must be coming, we are receiving a lot of seed/plant catalogs so far. I am hoping in March making raised beds. It is just to to wet here. If and when I get caught up in the shop, I'll be putting down a knotty pine floor in the room with our wood stove. We are going to leave it unfinished till Aug or so. Hopeful to put a few dents/scratches etc in it.
Enjoy the day
A knotty pine floor sounds lovely, queercus. It is a cold day here, high of 60. My son is just getting over a cold/ fever. My chickens are finally laying again, too. :D i have got to get some eggs sold at my swap to make up for what I have spent on feed. I bought that new omega 3 layer feed, but BF justpointed out that the bags are only 40lbs, not 50lbs like the regular feed! I cant aford that, so I hope they keep laying well when switch back.

I also incubated some of my duck eggs, and 6 out of 7 are looking good! So that's a bag and a half of feed when they sell.......=)
Morning People,
I'll be putting down a knotty pine floor in the room with our wood stove. We are going to leave it unfinished till Aug or so. Hopeful to put a few dents/scratches etc in it.
Enjoy the day

I LOVE knotty pine! BEAUTIFUL! .... Wood Stove
How about offering me some advice ?
I want to do an addition to our living room. It has a fireplace, but it doesn't do a great job of heating the room.
What should I be looking for when I go fireplace or wood stove shopping for the future addition.
In North Florida, we don't use the fire place a lot, but it does get used. The one we have now is really meant more for decoration based on its performance thus far.
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