Coffee's ready...

Best of luck to you, rngrbill. Hope you get it all straight, especially for those who come after you with chickens!

Mathace - funny quote about the submarine hatch. I was going to take a picture of my BCM today and show you an updated version to see what you think of her coloring coming in, but it is raining here, too. My carrots seem to be taking forever to grow this time! Got a nice bunch of lettuce, though. What I saved from my ducks and chickens, anyway.

My son didn't have any cavities this time, thank goodness. They do have to go in and fix one of the fillings they did last time, though.

I'm having quite a week at work. So far two arrests, one drop-out, one twisted ankle, gang graffiti on the wall by a kid I wouldn't expect it from, and two angry parents in one day. I think I'll have a glass of wine tonight.....
Yep! They are GREAT! 2 drawbacks: 1) you cannot roast marshmellow - it needs to be closed. 2) We have a friend who got 1 on our reccoemndation but had it installed by the proffesional who sold it to him. They did not install correctly but we only discovered it AFTER all was installed & wall was sealed. We cannot prove it without opening up wall which he is not wanting to do and the pro will not fix problem. READ the instructions and WATCH them while holding the instructions if you don't do it yourself. The feed 7 outlet air tubes need to be done a specific way. Here is a link to the site that describes the fireplaces I own I am not sure, it might be taken away by the mods. I'm not sure you can give some one a link that tells about something unless the link goes right back to BYC. If the link is taken out, PM me and I will send it to you under separate cover.

BTW MathAce, I went to J.U. It is my understanding that it usually rains in Jax - at least 1 heavy per day as I recall - but that was many many moons ago.

I don;t think the Mods will take it away because it is a matter of safety and your not advertising or trying to poach folk over to another site. It is good to get the right advice and support so everything is done right or you can get carbon monoxide poisoning and no one wants that to happen!
Best of luck to you, rngrbill. Hope you get it all straight, especially for those who come after you with chickens!

Mathace - funny quote about the submarine hatch. I was going to take a picture of my BCM today and show you an updated version to see what you think of her coloring coming in, but it is raining here, too. My carrots seem to be taking forever to grow this time! Got a nice bunch of lettuce, though. What I saved from my ducks and chickens, anyway.

My son didn't have any cavities this time, thank goodness. They do have to go in and fix one of the fillings they did last time, though.

I'm having quite a week at work. So far two arrests, one drop-out, one twisted ankle, gang graffiti on the wall by a kid I wouldn't expect it from, and two angry parents in one day. I think I'll have a glass of wine tonight.....

Sounds like a really stressful day good for you if you manage the wine! Would have sent you my bottle because I am not having any peace at all here to get one. We have the grand baby and she wont shut up at all!!!!! It is gone 11 pm and she has been crying for a good 2 hrs now and I just cannot get her to settle down. I know she is teething again adn has the cold so that isn;t really helping I guess. I am really tired and exhausted and have a bad cold too DD has exams this week and she needs her marks for entrance grade for Uni so I don;t have much choice but to take baby tonight though honestly it wont be happening again for a good few weeks. It isn;t that I don;t want her it is just I am so tired myself with Danny and all that I just can;t do it anymore. I guess I am too old for all this carry on!!!!!!!!

Sounds like a really stressful day good for you if you manage the wine! Would have sent you my bottle because I am not having any peace at all here to get one. We have the grand baby and she wont shut up at all!!!!! It is gone 11 pm and she has been crying for a good 2 hrs now and I just cannot get her to settle down. I know she is teething again adn has the cold so that isn;t really helping I guess. I am really tired and exhausted and have a bad cold too DD has exams this week and she needs her marks for entrance grade for Uni so I don;t have much choice but to take baby tonight though honestly it wont be happening again for a good few weeks. It isn;t that I don;t want her it is just I am so tired myself with Danny and all that I just can;t do it anymore. I guess I am too old for all this carry on!!!!!!!!


Good morning fair damsels in distress,
I hope your days get much better.Rest and recovery is in order and friday is almost here.I myself am hoping for a sat and sunday weekend this week!I'll pray for ya'll!
God Bless!
Good morning People,
Looks like a imitation spring is moving in this weekend, beginning of next week. We had a ruckus this morning with the birds at the feeder. A juvenile cooper hawk was out tormenting the song birds. The ole crows show, and that's it for the hawk. Every other day, I throw out left over bread for them, the crows. I know they, the crows raise ***** with the red tail hawks. It's funny watching the hawks v-line with a pack of crows following.

Chicks - Sorry for the rough day yesterday. Days like that, I always figure it can only get better.

Enjoy the day, hauling firewood with "the son we are glad we never had"
SISSY IS FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coffee on the go - wish I could send Buns to cellibrate finding SISSY!!!!!!!

Glad you found her!
My week did not get any better. Two more fights, one in which my student started striking two staff members, so that ended in an arrest for him. He hasn't been in trouble with the law for over 4 years. =( We are pretty sure it is gang related.

Today is a traing day, so at least I won't have any more of that foolishness to deal with today. And I got to sleep in. But now I think I'll get a load of laundry going before I head out. Have a great day, chicken peeps!
For wood burning fireplaces, I recommend a Drescher vent. We have it in our current fireplace, and we also used it in our old house. It is an iron tube that the mason installs in the back of the firebox, once the fire is going you use your fire poker to open it. The result is that it uses outdoor air for combustion instead of using the air from inside your home. Without it, fireplaces suck warmth out of the room for combustion air, and then send warmth back in, but in a very inefficient manner; when you sit right in front of the fireplace your knees get hot and your butt gets cold. This vent really mitigates that.

I'm very involved in fireplaces, but only in the stone or marble surround, not in the masonry box or insert. From being around so many I've picked up some experience, but my expertise isn't in the warmth part, it's in the beauty part. :)

Here's our fireplace in our living room, during the winter we sometimes keep it going for a few weeks continuously...


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