Coffee's ready...

Rather than subscribing to things I just bookmarked the "I've Posted" page,
so that each time I log in I can see a list of all threads I've posted in that have new posts.

You can also get to that by hovering over the forum tab at the top, or using the New Posts dropdown arrow in the lower right below the last post on any page. It's one of my favorite features of the new site (well, along with the ease of posting photos).

Morning People,
Another warm morning here for this time of the month - 28F with a high of mid 40's. We are getting eggs everyday now. Which is nice, I like my chessy scrambles with hot sauce in the morning.

Yes, our current house has some electric baseboard heaters that size, but they are recent, not more than 25 years old, and they are tin surrounds with cheap heating elements inside. I'm sure the older ones were more solidly built. Do yours use electric or hot water?

These are hot water.

Enjoy the day.
Good morning, folks. Having a cup of coffee at home, as my son had "tummy issues" at school yesterday, so he can't go today, even though he hasn't had any more since I picked him up. Oh well, yesterday was a crazy day at work and I could use a break.

The weather is cooling down again, which is nice. 82 is just too warm for the middle of Febuary.
Rather than subscribing to things I just bookmarked the "I've Posted" page,
so that each time I log in I can see a list of all threads I've posted in that have new posts.

You can also get to that by hovering over the forum tab at the top, or using the New Posts dropdown arrow in the lower right below the last post on any page. It's one of my favorite features of the new site (well, along with the ease of posting photos).

I find the new site confusing and upsetting. I don;t seem to be getting notifications AGAIN! and I only fixed it yesterday. Also you say that posting pics is simple???? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Maybe it is just that I am old and out of touch with all these new things but it sure was not easy for me. I ended up just deleting my whole album becasue it was easier to download photos off my computer than off my BYC album - I never did understand how to do that and the defult album -? Why ??? I never asked for one????
I thnk also if the album was not secure anymore I needed to delete it as I didn;t want photos of my grand baby out there in the either!

I don;t like posting any pics of her now which is a shame really but still that is they way of the world these days.
Guess were better off sticking to chickens!

Hope you all have a good day. Love the Ducks Chicks!!!!!!!!! Sooooooo wish I could breed Ducks but I want BIG ones. Ailsbury ducks. Jermima puddle duck type. They are good for meat apparently!

Had coffee out today as we were searching yet again for a care centre. We will see how it goes with this one. I think it does what it says on the tin kind of thing.

I ended up just deleting my whole album becasue it was easier to download photos off my computer than off my BYC album - I never did understand how to do that and the defult album -? Why ??? I never asked for one????
I thnk also if the album was not secure anymore I needed to delete it as I didn;t want photos of my grand baby out there in the either!
Your original album was brought over to the new system and by default was private- to share photos from there you have to make that album public. New albums by default are public.

They have a really good training video explaining how to post pix:
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Oh! the trials and tribulation of updating. Sorryu been so long gone gang. But like Oes I have not been getting updates and have been too busy to notice. Just redid all my subscriptions. Thanks for the video Gar it helped I thought I had lost my photos. Love the tall cast Iron radiators they are great for a sore back. just lean against them for a good heat pack.
Artic air moving in 30º now but expect 10º by this evening. Well time to settle down with a good cuppa and a couple of hen fruit and sausage. Have a good all, keep warm
Good morning people,
Old man winter came to visit last night, I woke up to 12f and a northerly breeze. The rooster came out, but so for the hens just stuck their heads out of the door.
The little rat is looking at a house now that has those tall cast iron radiators. It's a nice ~1920 farm house. It's funny, we always thought she would be the one living down the road and the old rat hours away. Instead the old rat is close by and the little rat is 3 1/2 hours away.
Finishing off this phase of the sun room today. The rest will have to wait till summer. We are rebuilding 1 external wall, bead board on another wall.

Enjoy the day.

rngrbill: how are you making out with the zoning?

Below are my cinnamon basil and verde tomatillo seedlings.
They are just a couple of weeks old

Below are my pepper seedlings - - Cayeene, Jalepeno, Serrano, and sweet banana pepper.
They are small and some are just breaking the grounds surface. They were planted 2 weeks ago... just like the above seedlings.

Your seeds look brillient - how is your onion? I am trying to get our seeds underway though things have been mighty stressed here lately so not much going on in the seed pots yet!

Having to have coffee on the run lately so no big stops at the coffee bar.

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Good morning people,
I hope this finds everyone doing well and enjoying the mid-week morning. Coffee's on, how do you all like it? Perk, French press, Drip, Instant?
It feels like spring is barreling in on me. Trout season starts April 1st. I think in a week or so, I'll be starting on the raised bed in the garden. Last year, it was a wash out. It never dried out with all the rain. You couldn't walk in it, to much mud. The blue berry bushes and peach trees look good. We are going to plant a few sour cherry trees.

Karl, you out there?

Enjoy your day
I think those sour cherries should be good for attracting birds. It'll be nice.

Coffee is brewing, our niece lives in Helsinki, she got married last summer. They gave us a few bags of Swedish coffee, and Mrs. Gargoyle really likes it (she's usually not much of a coffee drinker), so I found a place in the US that sells it on line, we bought a half dozen bags.
Finished the first one yesterday, just opened another this morning.

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