Coffee's ready...

Just sat with her in the run for awhile. No bumps or hard lumps anywhere. Has some poo on tail feathers but not blocking anyththing. No bread but gave her some waffle coated with olive oil. Putin some ham bits. She ate a couple of small pieces of waffle and slowly devoured the ham. I placed her on the outdoor roost and place water in front of her. she ignored it. Was going to lock her in coop but one or two of the other girls stll owe me an egg today and I don't want to lock them out fo the coop with the nest boxes, I just placed her back into the coop and she hasn;t moved. just stands there kind of hunched. might bringher in the house for the night.
Thoughts anybody????

It is nice to have community to turn to!
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No problem. I am not an expert though and am only telling you what I would do. I never take my birds to the vet now. Some folk think that is bad but when the Vet here charges £20 before he even looks at a bird and I can get 3 point of lay hens for that it doesn;t make economic sense.

It does make sense, we do all we can within reason for our birds, but we have to be practical. I know of people who spend $2500 on surgery for their dogs, and I couldn't justify that.

My girl got bonked in the head by an unsecured door during high winds.
She became a stargazer with a twisted neck and head but also was no longer cold hardy, uninterested/unable to eat and drink.
Looks like you need a Chicken Chiropractor!

As to giving a car a name, for me it's like giving a chicken a name- once we name them, we can't eat them.

(note that all my chicks have names, so that bridge has been crossed). If a car or any other machine has a name, we have an emotional attachment, and will spend way too much money keeping it "alive". My old pick-up hit the point it needed a $3000 transmission job, and the blue-book value after the repair would only be $2900, so I traded it in and got $500 in trade-in value.

Just my way of handling things, I have no problem with different approaches, and I actually think having a name for a car is kinda nice. Just not for me.
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Whew, what a week. Frustrating kids and even more frustrating school system beuracrats. I'm so tired I could take a nap on the couch, but I have family coming over shortly. I've got turkey chilli in the crock pot, and a nice wet rainy day to match.

rngrbill, the dishevelled feathers and lethargy make me think of possible lice or mites. I'm sure you checked her over for that, but look real real close, just in case. Otherwise, I have no idea.

Oesdog, you know you love the bunny!

I've got a hen that is limping and I can't figure out why. I may have stepped on her foot, but it doesn't feel broken, there is no swelling or bleeding, and she is eating and drinking just fine. So I guess I'll just leave her alone and hope she heals up. She's a cuckoo Marans, and I was actually thinking of selling her and her BCM sister and hatching some nicer quality ones from a friend, so she may have to go for a gimp-discount.
Just sat with her in the run for awhile. No bumps or hard lumps anywhere. Has some poo on tail feathers but not blocking anyththing. No bread but gave her some waffle coated with olive oil. Putin some ham bits. She ate a couple of small pieces of waffle and slowly devoured the ham. I placed her on the outdoor roost and place water in front of her. she ignored it. Was going to lock her in coop but one or two of the other girls stll owe me an egg today and I don't want to lock them out fo the coop with the nest boxes, I just placed her back into the coop and she hasn;t moved. just stands there kind of hunched. might bringher in the house for the night.
Thoughts anybody????

It is nice to have community to turn to!
All you can do is keep her warm and comfortable. If she is not taking water,try bread soaked in water but hand feed this from your fingers so you can get something into her. - You might have to start Syringe feeding her fluids if you can;t get her to take some. If you can get the vitamin drops into her through the water even better. You have to be careful with syringe feeding just tip the end into the corner of the beak and let a bit in at a time so you don;t drown her as its easy to squirt it up her nose by accident. You cannot let her get dehydrated as that will kill before anything else. - Mostly the shivering and issues with keeping body temp is caused by the body going into shock either from trauma or illness so she would be better in the house for a bit where she will be warm and have a bit of tlc.

- Do you have a shower cubical???? If you have one with a plastic try, doors and tiles all the better. It makes a great emergency cage. You will need to put some newspaper in though to stop your drain getting clogged with poop and feathers. It is easy cleaned and wash out after so a good cage and the seal on the doors make it hard for them to escape! Just a thought. I have used ours here and it works great!

Hope she makes it for you

It does make sense, we do all we can within reason for our birds, but we have to be practical. I know of people who spend $2500 on surgery for their dogs, and I couldn't justify that.

Looks like you need a Chicken Chiropractor!

As to giving a car a name, for me it's like giving a chicken a name- once we name them, we can't eat them.

(note that all my chicks have names, so that bridge has been crossed). If a car or any other machine has a name, we have an emotional attachment, and will spend way too much money keeping it "alive". My old pick-up hit the point it needed a $3000 transmission job, and the blue-book value after the repair would only be $2900, so I traded it in and got $500 in trade-in value.

Just my way of handling things, I have no problem with different approaches, and I actually think having a name for a car is kinda nice. Just not for me.

Well you are quite right - we do cross a line when we "name things" - and I know I am paying far too much for my little car to be fixed. Thing is I am not that confident a driver and she is easy for me to handle so I am trying to keep her going for a few more years. 10 - 30yrs

As for the hens. Yeap I named them and spent a fortune on their care - It was a steep learning curve! Now I am constantly toting up feed costings and what chickens cost in the store ready processed or ready cooked. How much eggs are and beeding costs and all of that which I never did before. I just simply went with my heart and treated them all like pets. - Now I have to treat them for what they are which is a viable food source and once they are not viable then hard choices have to be made - rent in eggs MUST BE PAID ON TIME!!!!! It is the way it has to be.
( Ok so I hide those squidgy ones so DH doesn;t know dorothy has not laid anything edible for weeks - ooops
) As for the Dogs - yes they go to the Vet but I have to say last time I spent £50 on injections for the Giz it did cross my mind I could buy a brand new Schnouzer pup for £75????? Crazy and he doesn;t even lay me eggs!!!!!

Yes I do love the darm bunnykins. - Though I think the eye is shot as it was swollen again tonight and no sign of pink in it at all just the sad old glaze of blindness there. Could cost getting the dud removed if it comes to that and the thing isn't even an "eating bunnykins! " Not even big enough to make a good bonnet and gloves out of! What use is that????
Ok so I was back out in the darn shed cleaning the hutch and giving it the last of my nice apples and lettice - see it has a name I am doomed!!!!!!!!!
It is lonely - I guess that means I will have to find it a friend!
I am just glad its not a chicken - chicken Math is really bad news in my house.

So thats the news from the oes and bed is calling - keep the coffee pot boiling.

Morning People,
Seems to early for spring, but yesterday I turned the furnace off, let the fire burn out and opened the doors to let the house air out. After awhile, the better half buried under some quilts with the cat so I restarted the fire.
I never had a problem disposing of or eating anything I named. The line of work I was in when I was younger, I had at any given time 5 - 6 trucks which were all named. It was a lot easier to say, bring flash, fly or humpty around instead of the Ford F750, or Ranger (which one?). The only one that really didn't need a name (had only 1 at a time) where the bucket trucks (high times).
We also had a T-bone, Hamburger, Porky, to name a few animals. But on the other hand, the ladies don't like naming the "food" either. One reason why we have egg layers. We raise meaties and well............

Enjoy your day
It snowed last night, long after I went to bed, and it wasn't early. My son and I spent a good hour outside in the barn, IN PITCH DARKNESS, with just a little flashlight, in a pen with 40- 600lb calves, trying to pluck pigeons out of the rafters. After we did the one part, I locked the cattle in there, and out of the long part of the barn. When we got out there, we were literally knocked senseless by the hundreds of starlings that had also come inside. Its an old bank barn, that houses our slaughter calves from weaning to finishing, and they can run in and outside, to a patio of sorts, lol. So, hundreds of pigeons had made it their home over the years. I knock the nests down every 2 weeks, but as soon as you do that, they are right back at it, the very next instant. We missed many many of them, as they flew out of holes in the barn via old exhaust fans, and a door with a pig panel over the opening, for ventilation for the cattle. But, we did get 70!!!
Today I am going to pick up my 3 palm turkeys, that I found thru Kijiji!!! I am so excited. I split my chicken house in 2 (well it already was, I just shooed the hens into the big part, and shut the door), installed a second 4x4 for a higher roost, and cleaned it out, and lay fresh shavings and barley straw down. Hes only been feeding them whole corn, which to me, doesn't seem too healthy. I hope they are ok, as I have committed to them sight unseen. They are 5 months old, and what he said was 2 hens and a tom, is now 2 toms and a hen. I sure don't want the one hen tortured by 2 toms.. so I am unsure what I am going to do with the extra. Eat him maybe, or get some hatching eggs out of her someday, and use the extra as a sire on them. I just don't know where I will keep him, so hes not alone, and so he won't bother anyone else. I have a pen full of guineas.. and then hen that hatched them, and 2 other hens she hatched from a friends eggs. I also have 2 rooster PITA'S, which are now caged, because they fight with each other, AND the guinea's love to chase THEM, and pull out their feathers, lol. Kind of looks good on them. During the day, each of the roos are out in a horse box stall, to excersize. AND I HAVE GOTTEN MY INVOICE FOR MY BRINSEA ADVANCE 20!!!!!!!! And its on its way asa I send them payment!! I need another barn!!
Good morning chicken wranglers'
Gosh It looks like all is well on the thread.
My coop has been raided by coons twice they opened the door and drug 2 chickens out and picked them clean,I mean every little bit of meat was gone,dirty rasafrasses.I set 2 live traps out. I hope they did their job and I get to set them free somewhere.Hehehe.
By the way the pond sure is cold.
God Bless!
I hope they did their job and I get to set them free somewhere.Hehehe.
In some states you aren't allowed to release them more than 100 yards from where you catch them, and anyway if you release them within a few miles they could easily return.

An alternate method that many advocate is to set them free of the bounds of mortal existence. Or, as they say in the predator and pest forum, SSS.
Sorry to hear about your coon problem.we dont see much of them around these parts.suppose they are out there somewhere.

The day is starting out good.hubby made me a cappaccino and kids are still in bed.peaceful morning as the sun is rising.Cool nip in the air but feels refreshing and uplifting.But now the coffee is almost gone,sun is almost up and the chickens are getting restless in their coops.Time to open them up and start the days chores.
Thank you Jesus for this gloriousl morning and that quite moment.
Good morning chicken wranglers'
Gosh It looks like all is well on the thread.
My coop has been raided by coons twice they opened the door and drug 2 chickens out and picked them clean,I mean every little bit of meat was gone,dirty rasafrasses.I set 2 live traps out. I hope they did their job and I get to set them free somewhere.Hehehe.
By the way the pond sure is cold.
God Bless!

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