Coffee's ready...

Wow Oesdog! I have to tell you that you're my hero. You are such a strong woman. You have courage and patience beyond words. You are an example to all. With the little help we can afford you, you still continue on strongly, honestly and compassionately in the way you deal with the troubles and people and animals in your life. I am sorry for your loss and am sending healing prayers your way. GOD speed.

What Paradise said X2
I don;t feel very strong right now. I can tell you.


Of course you don't. How could anyone? But you have an inner strength and moral compass that will tide you through. That's one of the things I admire about you. I wish I were close enough to help with any little thing you may take comfort in, I'm sorry I am not. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you as with many on this site.
I found out a few days ago that my cousin, whom I have admired forever, who taught me so much and loves me unconditionally ( not some thing I can say about ANY ONE in my life) will die by the end of 2 weeks to 2 months. I am trying to follow your example of strength. If you do not feel strong, that's OK. Every one has weaker moments. But I will try to follow your example, not lashing out in pain, accepting help when offered, looking forward tot he future and being good and helpful to all around me.
Not good - doubtless better once post mortum is done and we get mum back and can have the funeral. Better for dad it just takes so darn long and not good for his health or mine.

I am thinking tomorrow will go fast and I am away first flight out Saturday - so much to do and yet I don;t want to do it.
It will doubtless be a challenging few days.

Good morning people,
Looks like our big snow storm for the beginning of 2012 has melted away already. We are going to be having temps in the upper 50's to low 60's by the end of next week. We have been burning "summer" wood for the last month or so. If it keeps up, I am going to have to find some more. To me, that's a good problem.
I am going to be starting on my raised beds next week (close to the end). I am looking forward to the gardens this year after last years proformance.
We are getting up to 6 eggs a day now from the hens. I am enjoying 4 of them at the moment. Homemade bread for toast and good strong coffee......
osedog: thinking of you, be well.
Good morning
Oesdog, I just caugh up on this thread, and you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I have either a bad cold or allergies, so I am going to try and take it easy today. Just laying on the couch with my coffee and ipad. We got a rain storm that just let up, but the wind is still howeling. We were planning on burning some of our yard waste and grilling outside this afternoon, so we'll see if mother nature supports that plan.
I have more Rouen ducklings hatching today. 5 out 10 so far! I could sit and watch them all day, they are so cute. Tripping over there own webbed feet and chattering away. One I thought I would have to cull. When it came out of the shell it looked like it's head was twisted on upside-down. I was so glad it was straightened out after a few hours. Amazing, really.
Oesdog my deepest sympathy for you in your time of great loss,God Bless you and keep you and your family during this trying expierience.
Well last night I gave my sicky a bath and washed all the poop off of her bottom. gave her a nice blow dry. and some lovin. This morning she past away. Then there was four. l will be looking for a replacement after my hearing at the end of the month.
Well last night I gave my sicky a bath and washed all the poop off of her bottom. gave her a nice blow dry. and some lovin. This morning she past away. Then there was four. l will be looking for a replacement after my hearing at the end of the month.

Sorry to hear that. We lost our rooster a few days ago- he either fell off his perch or ran in to a fence post and broke his neck. He'd fallen and knocked himself unconscious a couple days earlier, so his balance or eyesight could have been messed up. It was quite a shock to us and to the hens.

It started with a bad reaction to some anti-pecking lotion (pick-no-more) which we were trying because one of the hens was pecking badly on the others, stripping their neck and chest feathers and causing some cuts and injuries. He hated the stuff and was spinning around trying to get the lotion off of him the first time he fell.

The offending hen is in chicken prison, the other two are mad at her and all three are sad. We'll try to reintegrate her to the coop once the feathers on the other two have fully grown out, she seems to have mellowed. Once they're back together and we somehow get them all to get along we'll be looking at bringing in a new rooster. (I did get pinless peepers as a last resort, just in case we need them).

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