Coffee's ready...

i can only imagine how happy they were with their "treats".I've only had one mouse ,that I know of , get in the coop and it became a prize in a crazy game of keepaway. There was much fun and noise. I couldn"t stop laughing.
No probs rngrbill your welcome. I am glad you enjoyed it. Though I must tell you, I have never made it. It is a southern Irish dish.
We being in the north have different stuff but I bluffed it so you didn;t get into bother.
I just didn;t feel like talking much. I am really sick with a bad cold right now as well which doesn;t help much. When we went to England were we stayed with relatives was a bit well cold - so we both ended up with chest infections. My asthma certainly didn;t like that. Then our grandbaby had the most awful cold and like an idiot I offered to take her to the clinic as she has asthma too and I worry about her little chest. So hense the reason I am now laid up ill. The baby was here this afternoon. All fixed and like a whirlwind trashing the place and I am half dead. Typical!

I think about mum a lot. - it is hard because you never think your own parents will die. I guess you always think your own are indistructable. It was such a shock to us all. I guess the day didn;t end well for her either!

I better go good you guys are out there for me. I will try to post a bit more often.

Evening Friends,

Just wanted to check in - My cousin died today. 54 years old. Sande was a wonderful person and my idol, my rock, my guide, my mentor. The only person I could talk with about the lasting chemo effects. She relied on me to explain silly things to her like " don't handle the china anymore- you WILL drop it" when we can no longer control our hands or feel with our finger pads, or tricks like: "if you want to feel something soft, use your cheek" or how to accept hugs with a port installed without hurting. I'm glad i could help her. But now she's gone - and no one will ever understand me like that again.
Then my husband called from home - a beautiful Wheaten Ameraucana hen died for no apparent reason. Laying dead in the middle of the field - no trauma - no missing feathers. Young bird who I named after my grandmother Kalliopi. The only broody I could always rely on.

RIP Sande
, Kalliopi

They have both flown the coop this first day of spring.

I'm in shock still. Grateful the pain hasn't set in fully yet.

Oes - I'm trying to follow your example - wish we were closer.
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Evening Friends,

Just wanted to check in - My cousin died today. 54 years old. Sande was a wonderful person and my idol, my rock, my guide, my mentor. The only person I could talk with about the lasting chemo effects. She relied on me to explain silly things to her like " don't handle the china anymore- you WILL drop it" when we can no longer control our hands or feel with our finger pads, or tricks like: "if you want to feel something soft, use your cheek" or how to accept hugs with a port installed without hurting. I'm glad i could help her. But now she's gone - and no one will ever understand me like that again.
Then my husband called from home - a beautiful Wheaten Ameraucana hen died for no apparent reason. Laying dead in the middle of the field - no trauma - no missing feathers. Young bird who I named after my grandmother Kalliopi. The only broody I could always rely on.

RIP Sande
, Kalliopi

They have both flown the coop this first day of spring.

I'm in shock still. Grateful the pain hasn't set in fully yet.

Oes - I'm trying to follow your example - wish we were closer.

I am no expert on the grief process. - I just know it hurts and then one day you wake up and suddenly the things that hurt you - (things you miss about folk / animals you loved) Are no longer the Enemy that brings hurt and pain but instead they become well - " friends" in a strange way! The memories stop hurting and you welcome them in as often as possible, you may even start to smile when you think of the past and happier times! Embrace the hurt and the pain and it will become easier!!!!!!!! - you are much stronger than you think!

Paradise: Prayers for you and your family.

Oes. Glad the turn was so fast. Had a neighbor who 15 years after her Husband's death still was in the first phase of the grief process. It was hard. continued prayers. O.K. enough of that. On a brighter subject. As I said the Coddle was great. Now to emnbrace my North heritage; Got a good have to have Northern Ireland recipe.Bill
Wasn't sure I had to turn around to get over a death? - gosh If I had only known I would have done that last week!

It takes time like anything else and folk don't generally work through faizes of grief in the right order or indeed only once - it is a process and that can take years. We all re-visit faizes of grief from time to time for those we've lost. I guess I will be no different from anyone else. (Though I may turn around a few times this afternoon and see if I feel better?

News from the Oes -

Oes is doing ok! - though have to go to Dr today because my grandaughter tried to kill me! - Yeap she gave me her blasted cold and now I need to get antibiotics cause of my asthma - UGH! I am a sick old sheep dog Gurrrrrrrrrrrr!

Paws for thought?
We don't always have to lick our own wounds - there are loads of folk out there who are more than willing to help us heal! We just have to let them -

John 16:20

new International Version
I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.

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Good morning chicken wranglers
Paradise I am sorry for your loss.Oesdog Glad you are in recovery.Rngr You are a chef?
Oh well I'll catch up.Igot a daughter that is about to turn 18.Wonderful girl really, she does the local beauty pagent every year.This year it is all about country for her,She is going to perform archery instead of singing?I don't know what to think.I told her she would have to split arrows to impress anyone.She never listens to me so what do I know anyway.Everytime I explain anything to her all I hear is I know dad.I showed her how to work a frog jig on the water sunday,Her first angling expierience.I explained to her that bass are ambush hunters and where and how to work the jig.I no sooner walked away and she landed a 7# bass right at the very spot I showed her how to do it.Needless to say now she is an expert.
Kids whatayado?
God Bless!

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