Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wranglers
Mathnice looking coop !
I love rooster crows in the morning also.My geese can be especially noisy but life without the cacaphony is unimaginable.
Dog baying and barking is just offensive.
Q,Rngr,Oesdog,gargoyle,I'm back for as long as time alows. My baby girl graduates from highschool soon.Now I get to find out if I did the right things raising her.I hope she gets a good start on life.
God Bless!
Hello I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Wow I sure needed that.

I see you all played nice while I was gone! Good Wranglling Karl! Best of luck to your baby girl. I hope she makes you proud.
Oes: I can see from your posts you are started healing and that is encouraging. It's not like you to be quiet like you were. I'm so glad you are coming back. Sorry about those nasty politics bothering you. It takes a strange kind of person to be in politics - you never have every ones support on anything. I couldn't do it. I'm to opinionated.
Rngrbill: So very sorry you lost the fight and your gals.
Thanks for staying with us. How soon are you moving?
Gargoyle: You coming to the Illinois meet this June? I'd love to meet you in person.

Louisiana was a hoot! The people were better than great!

*We arrived down there and the hens traveled just fine. Unfortunately I mistakenly gave her my hen who lays the best, deepest colored egg. Oh well she deserved a great gift.
*The maid of honor was late to the church arriving just minutes before the wedding and my niece was in a panic.
I took her and we went to the bride's room and got her ready. What an honor I had to dress the bride! Love Love Love that girl!

*I held a baby alligator and took my first trip on an airboat - you know - the one with the big fan on back. Beautiful country down that way.

* We went to New Orleans and I walked Bourbon Street. The last time I did that was 34 years ago. I've gotten a bit more reserved and it's gotten a lot more racy. Larry Flint the porn king now owns a whole block right in the middle and i can't imagine what goes in inside the places could be any racy-er than what goes on outside with live girls scantily dressed and calling out and pictures of things that made this 50+ year old blush being shown openly on the street.

* While on Bourbon Street I saw a place that had a mechanical bull ride. Again, not since 30+ years ago have I done that and I wasn't about to let a little - OK a lot- of years stop me. I walked right up and my DH is telling me something about "demure" and such - and told him I wanted to ride. He asked about my health and I told him straight - 2 currently torn rotator cuffs and well I'm a little old for this. Just be nice. I told him I would hold on with the less torn of the arms, my off arm and let him know when I had enough. I couldn't jump my way onto it with my weak shoulders so he came inside the ring and gave me a knee so i could get up on it. He was gentle but gave me a nice ride trowing my hair all about and making me laugh and the spectators howl with laughter. I yelled I had enough and he didn't throw me but stopped the bull so I could get off.

* There is a cathedral in New Orleans. It allows you to walk in at any time and it is so beautiful with painted ceilings. I wondered how anything man made could be so beautiful.
*While we were traveling from Lafayette to New Orleans we went through a town that is all nurseries. I picked up 2 lemon trees for ourselves, 1 tangerine tree for the bride's birthday, and 5 bouganvillia ( 4 for us and 1 for my sister here in Illinois). The hotel staff looked at us like we were crazy when I told them they were not staying in the car but coming up to our room at the Harrahs hotel where they stayed on a windowsill until it was time to pack up the car and go home.
* The plants are in their new pots and the chickens were happy to have their flockmaster back. The flockmaster is happy to be back.
I missed you guys!!!

We drove straight through. 14 hours down and 13 hours back. The car was fine and so were we. Those were the highlights: Dressing the bride, aligators, airboat, mechanical bull, Bourbon Street, The cathedral, the plants. It was a great trip!
Oh yeah! and I'm an extra in a Sylvester Stallone movie and in the back ground on a wildman series.
I've got my picture w/ wildman but that's not his name.
Does anyone know what his series is called?
He's a crocodile dundee type of character who goes into peoples houses removing pests by hand like cornered raccoons, snakes etc. He's got a sidekick who has a white beard. It's a series on animal planet or the discovery channel.
Gargoyle: You coming to the Illinois meet this June? I'd love to meet you in person.

* There is a cathedral in New Orleans. It allows you to walk in at any time and it is so beautiful with painted ceilings. I wondered how anything man made could be so beautiful.

A) I haven't yet figured out if I'll be caught up and able to relax in June or if I'll have to kick work into high gear, but I'd love to take the day off and come join you.

B) I always try to visit either a cathedral or a cemetery when I'm in a new city, either one can be beautiful.
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move Probably year to 18 mths. I would like sooner but DW has different Idea's. Small victory in the Chicken Saga. The Mayors office called and is going to try to get the laws changed. doubt it will be in time for me but may help others.
My youngest just informed us she is moving from Maine to Bradenton Florida. anyone know the chicken laws there.
Paradise: Glad the wedding went well and you got to dress the bride that was special. Sounds like a wonderful time..
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News from the Oes.
Well just a quick coffee this morning. For the record all - I just LOVE rooster noise!!!!!! Missing my boys soooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!
I wont be on for a bit - yeap i am going quiet - hopefully some place warm!!!!
Will be thinking of you guys honest!!!!!!

I wont be on for a bit - yeap i am going quiet - hopefully some place warm!!!!
Will be thinking of you guys honest!!!!!!


Don't be too quiet; check in with us whenever you can. Meantime, here's a nice caffe macchiato (similar to cappuccino, but less milk, just steamed a bit but not foamed as much) and a pastry. Enjoy!


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