cold hen? something not right...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 3, 2013
Just gone out to check my hens this morning, had a frost last night, 3 of them are completely fine, hut one is really puffed up with a pale face, she doesn't feel cold when I picked her up but I am worried she is not right. She still hopped up onto the coop roof and did pick at the corn and meal worms that I gave them but she seems slow compared to the others who were madly pecking around. I don't know what to do, do you think she is cold? They all sleep huddled on the perch at night, I have no way of heating the coop but make sure its draft free and loads of bedding to insulate it. Any advice? Thank you
How cold is it wherever you live? Is she molting? Our SLW is molting, and she has pale comb, wattles and puffs up here and there. I live in northern Michigan, so our birds see good winter weather. They've handled it well.

Seems a molt can make them a bit apprehensive and moody. I'd just keep an eye on her.
She isn't molting, I think last night it was around minus 4 celcius.
Whenever i have a chicken who is puffed up or seems off, i bring them inside so i can watch them more closely. Sometimes i put a heat lamp on one side of the cage i keep them in. Give lots of protein, like mashed hard boiled eggs and mealworms. Check closely for mites or lice. Sometimes they just need a couple days to recover and make themselves right. Other times there are other things going on like respiratory infections, reproductive issues, or cancer. But keeping her inside for a couple days will give you a chance to keep a close eye, and for her to heal without struggling to keep warm.
I am worried I will stress her by parting her from the other hens, do you think it will be ok?

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