cold weather &heat lamps

Chickens (like us!) vary in their tolerances. Rather than blanket statements that birds do or don't need heat, knowing one's birds well will answer that question in each case. I have a roo that is getting older and he doesn't like it very cold. In addition to the particular constitution of one's birds, the number of birds and size of coop will have an impact on need or not for added warmth. I only have one hen and one roo so they don't have the benefit of body heat that multiple chicken households have.

I use ceramic heat lamps (they provide heat, no light) and suspend them securely and so they can touch nothing. I try to keep the coop above freezing which keeps the water from freezing, for one thing. I just sent for a thermostat outlet that will turn a ceramic heat lamp on at 35 and shut it off at 45. Not ideal for my roo who actually would prefer it warmer but better than no device, as I've been getting up every 2 hours to regulate (so it's not too hot and not too cold...) in lieu of having such a thing! I wouldn't heat to the point of an extreme differential between indoors and outdoors but if inside can be a bit more comfortable, I don't think it hurts them. After all, birds in more southern climates are not necessarily more fragile.

Since I only have 2 birds, if the power went out in extreme cold, I would be doable to bring them indoors if need be. This is obviously not so easy if one has many birds!

I just picked up one of those plug-thermostats, and I'm going back for more!

You're right... having to heat 250 birds as opposed to 2 is a much more daunting task... especially at temps below 0°F. Though I have a 5yo hen that is still outside right now and doesn't seem to mind one bit.
Go figure.

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