Collecting House Plants


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
I started collecting house plants close to the start of this year & so far have had quite a few. To begin with I was buying most of them until I did some reading and figured out how to start my own. At one point I had so many that I finally had to give a bunch away to make space so it didn't look like such a jungle in here!
I guess I just really enjoy watching them grow and how pretty they all look. My last addition was some Variegated Teardrop Peperomia starts but besides those i have..

Arrowhead Plants (pink, white & neon)
Pothos Ivy (normal & variegated)
Green Philodendron & Split Philodendron(?)
Aluminum Plant
2 Hoya starts
Coffee Plant(this one is making me crazy!)
Spider Plants
Prayer Plant
Rubber Plant
Poinsetta 'Tree'
& a weird little tree-looking thing (i have no idea what it is besides a house plant!)

I have been trying to find a Silver Philodendron for months now and have only been able to find 1 big one at Wal Mart but I would really rather buy a small one and grow it up myself. I haven't even been able to find anyone around here with starts off of one!

So, do any of you collect house plants or just enjoy growing them?
I didn't realize I was collecting house plants but after reading your message I have a few too many!

Umbrella tree x2 (one that is probably 20 years old)
Christmas Cactus
African violets
White-veined arrowhead vine
English Ivy
Areca Palm
Angel Wing Begonia
I have several different kinds of cactus but not sure of the names.

I tried Orchids but they would die every time!
I really love them.
My husband and I have the same .... um.. "discussion"
twice a year -- once when I take all the plants outside in late Spring, and again when I start moving them back inside for the winter. He fusses & growls b/c I'm not supposed to be moving heavy things (neither is he -- he had a total bilateral knee replacement, so he's got 2 titanium knees) and a couple of them are REALLY big. I have a big ficus tree (weeping fig) that I've had for at least 20 years, a split-leaf philodendron that came from my baby brother's funeral in 1980 (he was 14), a schefflera, some pothos, some ivy, a ponytail palm, spider plants, a draecena, a peace lily, a citronella plant (LOVE that one!) , a miniature orange tree, and several others in dish gardens & combinations. I really have to scramble to find them all a decent spot to live through the winter. Still, I do it because I enjoy them.

ETA: I also have a Christmas cactus that I started from part of my Grandmother's plant over 20 years ago, and I have a pot of small rubber trees that came to my dad's funeral last Oct.
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I'm addicted to house plants also. I also take cuttings and swap with friends. I have:

spider plants
dog tail cactus
10 African Violets
spring cactus
Christmas cactus x 3, brought cuttings of a white one from my daughters mother in laws plant in NC in June
philadendrons of various kinds
miniature rose
several cactus I don't know the name of
pine cone cactus
Today I saw a Big Split Leaf Philodendron and almost bought it but i am lacking a place for it so sadly had to pass... I have never seen one for sale around here so i was pretty bummed! I did end up coming home with a Dracaena though, the tree-looking type and i also bought a new little palm a few days ago
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I have been trying to find a Silver Philodendron for months now and have only been able to find 1 big one at Wal Mart but I would really rather buy a small one and grow it up myself. I haven't even been able to find anyone around here with starts off of one!

Next time you are at Walmart take a small pair of scissors with you. When no one is looking snip a vine off.
(phild. root very easy in water. )​
We currently have
a random mix (someone gave it to us at my grandmother's funeral, it gives me the creeps)
A brand new Christmas Cactus
Aloe plant
and I really want to get a new spider plant I miss having them.
So far I have

African Violets that were my grandmother's.
jade plants galore
other jade plant looking thingies
turkey fig, yum
pineapple sage
Christmas cactus
Meyer lemon
giant sequoia tree, bonsai

I think that is it.
My DBF can't figure out my obsession with houseplants, I keep telling him he's lucky, since I've been with him my house isn't the jungle it used to be
He just shakes his head every time a new one comes in, bless his heart

Currently I have
a giant palm
good sized Rubber Tree
hawaain ti plant
spider plants
philodendrens of various types
pony tail palm
moses in the cradle
wandering jew
several bromeliads
three rescued orchids
jade tree
large aloe
and three plants I have no idea what they are!!

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